
Don’t worry, I’m not gonna waffle on atcha. It just occurred to me that at least two out of the three games discussed below have awesome soundtracks. In the case of Space Channel 5, it is, of course, the game’s raison d’être but Divine Divinity has a notably good soundtrack also. Castle Crashers, while having a great intro theme, has a somewhat more forgettable soundtrack, though it does suit the action nicely.

So without further ado, here’s a few clips from both games for your entertainment.

Introducing Ulala! (Space Channel 5)

This first tune gives you a strong introduction to Space Channel 5 – it’s played during the first level. By a short while in, you’re left in no doubt as to how you’re supposed to be feeling while you’re playing. Gay. In every sense of the word.

Which One Is Real? (Space Channel 5)

What was the last music game you played with a bebop-like section?

Perfection! Space Elementary School Band (Space Channel 5 Part 2)

You’ll either love or hate the infectious cheerfulness of this track.

Blank TV/Ulala Support Chant (Space Channel 5)

A capella! Awesome. This piece of music sums up the whole “get everyone behind you” thing that makes the finales of the two SC5 games so awesome.

Main Theme (Divine Divinity)

The main theme from the game is an interesting composition, eschewing the kind of “epic” soundtrack that Baldur’s Gate always went for in favour of a more haunting melody.

Forest (Divine Divinity)

This is a simple piece, but evokes a sense of loneliness which is apt for the setting the music appears in.

Bitva (Divine Divinity)

A huge change of pace for this one reflecting the diverse nature of DD’s soundtrack.

Enjoy. You can download the tracks from DD at Larian’s official website. As for SC5? You’re on your own, though resourceful soundtrack collectors probably know the first places to look.

Antiquity, Rarity, Hilarity

I’ve got three games to talk about today. Depending on my stamina and how long it takes dinner to be ready, this may take more than one post. But I’m sure you can cope with that, and I’ll endeavour not to finish on a cliffhanger… unlike current DVD-du-jour Alias which is currently driving Jane nuts with the cliffhanger that every single episode ends on. Me? I love it, but then I’m a sucker for that sort of thing and could happily sit and watch a whole box set in one go. I’m that lazy.

But I digress. Let’s begin this triptych.

The Antiquity

Divine Divinity
Divine Divinity

Antiquity in question is actually not that old, hailing from 2002, but it’s actually been sitting on my shelf gathering dust almost since I bought it for full price back upon its release. I’ve started it several times but never played it in any great depth.

“What is it?” I hear you ask. Well, it’s a game with a ridiculous name. Divine Divinity, to be precise, which I can only assume is more meaningful in the original Flemish. It’s an RPG by Belgian developers Larian Studios, who remain relatively little-known to this day, but are currently working on a sequel to DD.

Why did I start playing this? Well, several reasons. When I’m between “big releases” on the consoles, I often think about picking this game up again and playing through it but inevitably something else distracts me. This is much the same reason I have never completed Baldur’s Gate II, despite the fact that I would very much like to. The main reasons I’ve decided to stick with it this time include firstly a thread over on the Quarter to Three forums discussing “Diablolikes” in anticipation for the as-yet-undated release of Diablo III, where DD’s name came up, and secondly remembering that DD was one of the earliest suggestions for the Squadron of Shame to cover, being a game that garnered considerable critical acclaim on its initial release but is still a relative unknown.

So what is it, and why did it gain such acclaim? At first glance, it appears very much to be a Diablolike, right down to having an interface lifted almost wholesale from Blizzard’s classic. However, it’s once you get into the gameplay that it becomes very apparent that it’s an extremely well-thought out game with a lot more depth than the hack-and-slash of Diablo. If you must compare it to things, it’s a curious blend of Diablo, Baldur’s Gate and Fallout – taking, as it does, the real-time “twitch” combat and single-character focus from Diablo, the huge world, character interaction, quest systems and ability to strategically pause from Baldur’s Gate and the interesting barter-based trading system from Fallout.

It’s a blend that works well. What we end up with is a game with considerably more variety than Diablo (not that that game’s purity works against it – on the contrary, it is probably one of the contributing factors that makes it so addictive) and the depth of story and interaction of Baldur’s Gate without any of the scary intimidating (for some) cogs and gears of AD&D 2nd Edition.

Plus it’s huge. We’re talking Baldur’s Gate II huge here. You spend a considerable amount of time in the first village and the dungeon underneath it before going out into the wider world. And said world is pretty huge – particularly due to the fact that what initially appears to be the “overworld” map is actually just a fraction of a much bigger game area filled with things to kill and quests to complete. Part of the joy of the game is just exploring this world and discovering what it has to offer, but there’s a well-structured quest system in place to give you a bit of direction too.

In the foreword to the game manual, the game’s designers note that they hope that people will find “their own way” to play the game, and while there are always obvious limitations on any RPG system to do EXACTLY what you want, I do get the impression that you could play DD quite happily as a Diablo clone, wandering around the wilderness and killing things for experience and only completing storyline-critical quests. On the other hand, the way I’m playing is more like a “traditional” (for want of a better word) RPG where I’m travelling between places and attempting to complete quests in an efficient manner.

It’s a really excellent game, but I can see the size and length putting some people off. I’m certainly glad I’ve decided to give it a chance though, as I’m really enjoying it and fully intend to see it through to the end.

The Rarity


This is a game I actually didn’t think existed. I remember reading about it before it came out and then it disappearing without trace. The game in question is Space Channel 5 Part 2. I adored the first game on the Dreamcast and then again on PS2 when it was re-released, despite it being absolutely 100% the most gay game on the planet. And I don’t mean that in an Internet-Fuckwad-“Gay-means-crap” sort of way, I mean that this game is super-gay. Don’t believe me? Watch this clip.

Convinced now? But didn’t you find it utterly infectious? That’s the charm of Space Channel 5, a game which is essentially Simple Simon in a camp 1960s sci-fi parallel universe. Part 2 is more of the same, but it has the dubious honour of being one of the rarest PS2 games ever, at least here in the UK.

The reasoning? It has Michael Jackson in it for a few minutes, and was released around the same time as the TV report that suggested that MJ might be… you know, a bit wrong in the head (like no-one knew that already). As a result, the game was hastily pulled, never to be seen again – so much so that boxed copies of the game now go for up to £100.00 apiece. Yes, US-based readers, that’s about $200 for one game without any peripherals or anything.

Fortunately, I had a stroke of luck in a browse through Amazon and managed to locate a seller who had the game for considerably less than £100 because it wasn’t brand new, but it was pretty much untouched. As a result, I scored the game for under £50 including shipping, and I didn’t think it was going to get any cheaper than that to get my hands on a genuine rarity.

But enough about the hard-to-findness. What’s it like?

Again, it’s super-gay, and super-fun. The gameplay remains fundamentally unchanged, though it adds both a strange two-player mode where one player is in charge of directional inputs and the other is in charge of pressing X and O to “Chu!” and “Hey!” as appropriate along with a survival mode. There’s something about it, though, that makes you want to play it again and again, even though the whole game can be beaten in about an hour, and I think it’s the infectious cheerfulness of the damn thing.

With the number of damn games that have been predominantly brown ever since Quake came along, it’s always refreshing to play a game with lots of bright colours and cheerful music, where even the villains are entertaining rather than threatening. It is impossible to play either Space Channel 5 game and not come out sporting a huge grin on your face. And that’s worth a lot – to have something that’s genuinely uplifting to play is always a pleasure, and it’s something we seem to get a lot less these days as graphics improve to the point where the Holy Grail of “photo-realism” is getting closer and closer.

The Hilarity

Castle Crashers
Castle Crashers

Castle Crashers hit Xbox Live Arcade this week after three years of anticipation and I’m pleased to report that it’s an excellent game bringing back memories of chugging 50p pieces into the Turtles, Simpsons and Asterix arcade games (and being inevitably frustrated by the shoddy home ports).

It’s also, to tie in with what I said about Space Channel 5, genuinely funny. Developers The Behemoth make a point of creating visually appealing games, as Alien Hominid will attest, but CC is filled with so many laugh-out-loud funny visual jokes that again, it’s a game that makes you smile, and a game best experienced with friends, while drunk.

I’m out of time. There may be more discussion of any or all of these titles later. For now, I hope that’s given you a taste of my current gaming. Screw big releases, these three are keeping me more than busy enough for the moment!

Ode to Game Music, Part I

This is one of those posts I’ve wanted to write for a long time, and I have a sneaking suspicion it will be a topic that I will return to regularly – covering, as it does, one of my favourite things about video games: the music. You might think it ironic that I am so interested in one of the more non-interactive elements of interactive entertainment, but the effect of some quality music on the experience of a video game is not to be underestimated.

My first exposure to video game music came very early on with enjoying the title-screen music compositions of artists such as Rob Hubbard on the Atari 8-bit series of computers. These songs formed a big part of the “identity” of a game, and many of these composers became micro-celebrities in their own right. In many cases it could be argued that the quality of the music was actually higher than the quality of the game itself – particularly as many of these early computers didn’t really have the processing power to play complex (for the time) four-channel music as well as having a smooth gameplay experience and thus forced you to listen to not-very-interesting sound effects during gameplay.

Here’s a couple of fine examples from “back in the day” that stick in my mind:

Zybex (Adam Gilmore)

Warhawk (Rob Hubbard)

Going back to these games now, they’re somewhat primitive in every way imaginable, but I have to say, my fond memories of them can almost 100% be attributed to the music that played on the title screens. Both games are now relatively forgettable shooters, but Gilmore and Hubbard’s music meant that I’m not about to forget them.

My next generation of computers was the Atari ST which, despite being very good at MIDI, had a shitty three-channel internal soundchip that was 1) considerably worse than the four-channel POKEY chip in the Atari 8-bit range and 2) constantly trumped by Commodore’s rival machine the Amiga which had then-revolutionary stereo digital sound. However, a number of developers got around this fact and produced some excellent pieces of music. It has to be said, however, that these pieces of music were still largely confined to the title screens of games. Here’s a few more that stick in my mind:

Obliterator (David Whittaker, Psygnosis)

This one sticks in my mind not because it’s a particularly interesting piece of music (which, after listening to it again, it clearly isn’t – and look how long it took to load the damn game) nor because it’s a good example of the ST’s capabilities (see what I mean about the horrible soundchip?) but because it evoked the atmosphere of the game nicely. Obliterator involved running around a space station shooting robots and solving puzzles – yes, the same shit we’re still doing nearly 20 years later. It was quite a “solitary” game – you spent the majority of your time alone and attempting to navigate the environment using Psygnosis’ incredibly weird icon-driven movement and action system that thankfully they abandoned after two games.

Obliterator also sticks in my mind for a second reason – the fact that the music adapted as it went through. The moody piece of music you hear in the video above eventually gives way to a more, for want of a better word, “cheerful” piece as you make progress. This is something that, to this day, I absolutely love. While Obliterator may not necessarily have had the technology to make truly dynamic music, I remember feeling the whole mood of the game shift when the music changed. Suddenly you weren’t up against the wall in the dark surrounded by robots, you were a hero.

Gods (Nation XII/Bitmap Brothers)

The Bitmap Brothers were one of the earliest “celebrity developers” of the gaming world – developers who were held in the same regard as today’s well-known designers and teams. In the earlier days of gaming, teams were much smaller and budgets were much lower so it was rather more unusual for a development team to come to the forefront in such a way.

One of the ways that the Bitmap Brothers brought themselves into the public eye was through their use of excellent music in their games – the music for Gods which you can hear above being one such example. This piece of music was played on the Atari ST version during the introduction sequence and is, I’m sure you’ll agree, poles apart from Obliterator’s chiptuniness – which brings us to another point – the Brothers’ games also made far better use of the ST’s hardware than almost any other developer out there, including taking advantage of the STE’s enhancements, such as the ability to display a mighty 512 colours on screen at once (seen to lovely effect in Gods with a nice gradient sky background).

Okay, Amiga owners were laughing at the shoddy ST ports of many games, but the Bitmap Brothers’ games made some of the pain go away. 🙂

I hope you’ve enjoyed some of these tracks. There will be more to come in the following entries!


Many people who have been playing video games and mis-spending their youth (and beyond) as much as I have will have one game that really sticks in their mind from the “good old days”, that they like to return to as much as possible and are gratified to discover that it’s actually still good.

Some retro games hold up better than others. Some age gracefully despite limited technology. Others remind us just how far we have come since those early days of one-man programming teams. Others are so well-respected that they spawn modern-day remakes or sequel after sequel… or endless variations on Xbox Live Arcade.

My particular fond memory is for an early EA title for the Atari 8-bit range of computers named M.U.L.E. This game involved four colonists from a diverse range of species attempting to make the best use of the resources a small planet named Proc Irata had to offer… yes, that planet’s name is indeed “Atari Corp” backwards (and this wouldn’t be the last time Atari Corp would have their name used as an element in a game, with Red Rat’s Laser Hawk following a few years later pitting a lone chopper against the forces of the “evil Proc Irata”. One wonders if Atari had any say in all this.) and, as these things tend to go, to make as much money as possible by the end of a period of time that was set according to the “difficulty” level. I use the term “difficulty” loosely as, unusually, the difficulty setting in M.U.L.E., rather than simply making the computer players harsher and cheaper, it actually added new layers of complexity to the game.

M.U.L.E. was played on a month-by-month basis, with each month being a game turn split into several phases. First up was the Land Grant, where a cursor moved over the single-screen landscape of the planet one plot at a time, and players competed simultaneously to be the first to press their fire button to claim a plot. Different plots were good for different things – mountains were good for mining, the river valley running down the middle of the map was good for food production and everywhere else was good for energy production. This stage, despite its simplicity, was teeth-gnashingly frustrating in the way a good board game is when someone pips you to nabbing, say, the sheep port in Catan.

Next up, players took it in turns to actually manage their plots and assign them to particular purposes. This was done on a strict time limit, so players had to make decisions quickly. In order to assign a plot, players had to outfit one of the titular M.U.L.Es for energy, mining or food production before taking them out onto the map and dropping them into a plot, taking care to place them carefully, otherwise the M.U.L.E. would simply escape. In this phase, if players had time, and if they were playing on one of the higher difficulty levels, they could also attend a land auction for an additional plot of land, scan an area for its suitability for mining the more precious minerals and finish their turn by wandering into the pub to receive a “gambling bonus” according to how much time they had left.

Next up was production, which was sometimes preceded by a random event affecting production of one or more of the resources. This could be anything from sunspots increasing energy production to a pirate raid stealing stock from the colony’s store. This random element added some tension to the game and also meant that someone who looked like a runaway victor could have their big plans scuppered at short notice, which was always immensely satisfying.

Finally came the auctions, where players were able to sell their surplus stock either to other players or the store. Auctions were handled in an interesting manner, with players setting buying and selling prices by walking up and down the screen. If two players met, they would exchange goods and money until one or the other moved away. If no players wanted to buy or sell, goods could also be bought or sold from the colony’s stores (for very high or low prices respectively). After the auctions, the four players were ranked according to their net work before the whole process repeated again another five to twenty-three times.

So that’s how M.U.L.E. works, and its simple yet elegant mechanics, along with its good sense of humour throughout, make it a game that’s still fun to play today. Interestingly, though, none of these things are the reason why I remember M.U.L.E. so fondly, because I was much too young to understand how to play it properly when I was first introduced to it.

Rather, two things stick in my mind. Firstly, there was the music.

I defy you to not be humming this masterpiece of the POKEY chip all day. Evoking an appropriately adventurous sci-fi feel (in my mind, at least), M.U.L.E.’s theme is one of my favourite video game themes of all time.

Secondly, there was the “characterisation” of the game. In The Squadron of Shame‘s podcast, we’ve often discussed the merits of having a truly immersive game world. And M.U.L.E’s, while simple, worked brilliantly. Each alien race was distinctive and had its own character, despite only having about three or four frames of animation at most. The fact that this strange little world had its own curious rules, such as catching the little white dot (the “Wumpus”) on the map rewarding you with extra money, made it all the more appealing to be a part of – and made you feel a little sad when the ship came to pick you up on the last turn.

M.U.L.E.’s a game I remember fondly for all the wrong reasons – yet fortuitously, it still plays very well today. I highly recommend exploring its curious charms – ideally, with three other people.