1110: The Collector

Page_1Reading this post from Matt Mason earlier made me think somewhat about my own game buying and playing habits and how they have evolved over time. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m becoming something of a “collector”, particularly when it comes to more obscure games that almost inevitably become hard to find if you don’t snag them immediately upon release.

This doesn’t mean that I pay over the odds to get “Collector’s Editions” of games, though, because I tend to think that for the most part those are a waste of time — or perhaps it’s just that I’ve never really had a Collector’s Edition for a game that I felt particularly passionately about. Had I known how much I was going to love Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2, for example, I might have seriously considered spending a bit more and picking up the swanky limited edition that came with a soundtrack CD, an art book and some playing cards. (Yeah, I know the cards are a bit lame, but I love soundtrack CDs.)

NepnepLE-More often than not, though, the super-expensive limited edition versions are for games I have no interest in, like Call of Duty, Assassin’s Creed and Skyrim. For sure, these limited editions are often cool, but there’s only so many gigantic statuettes that you can scatter around your house before people start asking questions. (Particularly if one of those statuettes is a gory female torso… but let’s not open that can of worms again.)

I’m actually fine with this, though, because I’ve been tending to find that the games I’m most interested in playing are the ones that maintain their value the best — simply because they’re often not put out in particularly large quantities and thus often become quite hard to find after a little while. As such, I’ve come to accept that taking a chance on a new game like this often involves an outlay of at least £20 and may, in a few isolated cases, require payment of a price considerably inflated from what it would have cost when the game was first released. (I ordered a copy of Fire Emblem for Gamecube recently, for example… I’m pretty sure that’s not what it cost when it first came out.) The fact that I’ve had to hunt for these games and occasionally pay a bit more for them than something of an equivalent age that had a wider release makes them feel somehow more “valuable”, and makes me feel like my growing collection is something that I can be proud of. I know they’re “just” games, but they represent a hobby that I truly love and which inspires me to do other things.

What this “collector’s” attitude has meant in practical terms is that I’m now much more inclined to pick up interesting-sounding titles as soon as I become aware of them, rather than when I know I have time for them. This inevitably leads to an ever-growing backlog, of course, but it also means that I have things to look forward to. It’s also an approach which works for my personal circumstances at present. In other words, I don’t spend a lot of money on other “vices” — I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t buy DVDs (with the exception of anime that can’t be found for streaming online), I don’t tend to travel a lot and, by the end of this month, I won’t have any car expenses either (apart from any contributions I make to help Andie out with hers). This means that I tend to have a fair bit of disposable income that I don’t feel guilty about splurging on my collection, and still have plenty left over for living expenses and to do nice things for Andie.

I like having physical things that I collect. My bulging Steam library also counts as part of my collection, but somehow that big list of games inevitably acquired for a couple of quid during a holiday sale isn’t quite as satisfying as seeing that big shelf full of cases. Downloadable games feel more “disposable” somehow, like they won’t last; I often find myself worrying what will happen to all these games when, say, Steam or PSN or Xbox Live don’t exist any more. How will future generations be able to play awesome stuff like Flower, or Journey, or any of the other titles which everyone raves about now but which are only available via download? (I got around this issue with some of the visual novels I own by burning a copy to disc and printing my own inlay for the DVD case. Sad? Perhaps. But it means I can add them to my shelf with some degree of pride.)

The unfortunate side-effect of collecting physical things, of course, is that you have to find space for all of them, and if you get into full-on “hoarding” mode, where you don’t want to trade anything in, ever, then you need more and more space as time goes on. I’ve currently still got a few shelves free on the other bookcase, but it’s starting to get a little bit tight… and then what? Creative packing time.

photo (3)If you’re curious, here’s my game shelf as it stands right now. (The fairy lights were Andie’s idea, but they are pretty sweet.) If you click to embiggen and zoom in on the image, you might even be able to see individual titles of at least some of the games. I haven’t played all of these, not by a long shot, but they each — even the array of PS2 SingStar titles — represent something with genuine meaning to me. And that’s pretty neat to think about.


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