#oneaday Day 61: Call me Gordon

I’m a free man! Yes, my contract finished today so as of right this moment I am unemployed. At least as far as that pesky full-time work goes. I’ll tell you one thing I won’t miss, and that’s the 40-mile commute with the immensely predictable traffic around Winchester. I don’t know what it is about that place, but the M3 slows to a crawl and all of the roads in and out of the city also slow to a crawl, so it’s impossible to win whichever way you choose to go. I let fly with quite a few obscenities on the way home tonight as all I wanted to do was get home.

I’m not going to be sitting on my ass doing nothing, though. I have plenty of things lined up. I have some music pupils starting this week (and, of course, if you know anyone in the Southampton area who is looking for a music teacher, kindly point them in the direction of http://www.pjedmusic.co.uk) and I am shortly to put up a site advertising IT tuition services. Then I’ll be doing some writing, too, for a couple of different sites: Kombo.com and DailyJoypad.co.uk, both of which are going to be a great way to get some exposure for my writing, along with the stuff I’ve done for Good Old Games and WhatTheyPlay in the past.

Right now, it’s late, there are drunken morons shouting incoherently outside my window and I’ve just finished recording an episode of the Exploding Barrel Podcast with the ever-awesome Minotti brothers. Just looked out of the window and the noise was being made by two… I hesitate to call them “men” because they were acting like the kids I’ve been teaching. Two of them. It sounded like a bloody football crowd. And this after Southampton was (apparently) voted “most welcoming and friendly city in the UK“. (I call bullshit on that, by the way, in case you hadn’t guessed).

Tomorrow is the first day of a new beginning, or something. I’m meeting one of my (potential) new pupils, I’m getting some stuff sorted ready to do my website writing and I’ll have the chance to kick back and actually relax a bit for what feels like the first time in months. It’s like a big weight has gone from my shoulders.

I feel bad for my colleagues I left behind as they are without exception awesome people that I will miss a great deal, and they’re in a tough situation that is going to be hard work to get through. What I won’t miss, however, is the stress of that job, the (8-year old) kids who climb walls and get brought in by the police, the reams and reams of ultimately fairly meaningless paperwork, the finger-wagging “official” people telling us that we don’t know what we’re doing and… well, you get the idea. Here’s to a more positive future, but I will spare a thought for those great people I worked with regularly.

I’m just rambling now, clearly. I think it’s time to go to bed. Up and at ’em tomorrow morning… and PAX is creeping ever closer. I can’t wait.

One A Day, Day 40: Caught Up

There you go, told you I’d catch up.

On the way home today, filled with stress at our impending school inspection (which has been confirmed for next Tuesday… a genuine case of See You Next… you know.) I got to thinking. Dangerous pastime, I know. I was thinking about what I’m going to do next once this job’s over and done with. Given that I haven’t got myself a new position yet, I was thinking about alternatives.

My music teaching site, which I set up some time ago, has brought in a slow but steady trickle of enquiries for people looking for tuition. I haven’t been able to take any of these people on due to the stupidly long (and traffic-heavy) commute I have to do on a daily basis, but once I don’t have to do that, there’s definitely the possibility of being able to get a bunch of pupils for some regular income each week.

Then, on the side, I’d like to do some more freelance writing. I gave some editors a poke a while back, and will be poking them again shortly to try and get some work. Once that “starts” and I prove myself some more, that can be a semi-regular income stream, too.

Then, on the other side, I was thinking about setting up a site for computer tuition, too. I’m sure there’s a market for it – particularly if I’d be willing to do home visits. There are all sorts of people around at varying degrees of ability with their computer – my time with Apple showed me as much – so I wonder how many of them would be willing to pay for personalised, one-on-one tuition in their home.

Between these things, I’m wondering if that will bring together enough scratch to survive each month. I guess the only question is 1) how long it will take to get enough music and/or computer pupils to make it worthwhile and 2) whether these will all be “regular” income. Freelance writing is, certainly to begin with anyway, not known for its reliability as an income stream – at least until you get “noticed” a bit more – but it is something I love doing. And I’d enjoy the other things.

The biggest perk of doing this would be not having to answer to anyone. All my past jobs have ended up with me getting pissed off with some aspect of the incompetency of the people who are supposed to be “managing” me. (To be fair, I’ve had rotten luck with regard to management.) Doing this sort of thing would mean I’d only be responsible for myself which is, I won’t lie, an appealing option.

It’s a scary prospect, though. Ditching the idea of “structured” employment and taking control is both appealing and terrifying. I definitely want to give it some thought, though, and if ever there was a time to save in a new slot, this would be it.

One A Day, Day 35: Eve of the War

Don’t know what happened with yesterday’s post – I definitely wrote the whole thing, but for some inexplicable reason, half of it disappeared. Oh well. Can’t go back now.

Well, here it is – the end of my week-long vacation, which has gone by far too quickly for my liking. I feel suitably rested – or I did, at least. Right now? I don’t feel very good about tomorrow. I have a 40 mile drive followed by 8 hours of being somewhere I don’t want to be with people I don’t want to be with, followed by another 40 mile drive back. But at least there are only four weeks to go. Four weeks! I can manage that, right? Of course I can.

It’s the other obstacles that are in my way that are stressing me out more, to be honest. The daily grind I can just about deal with, by simply telling myself “It doesn’t matter” (in the style of The Rock) repeatedly, over and over again. The things I’m not looking forward to are the two-day Parents Evening (yes, you read that correctly – a two-day Parents Evening), where I will inevitably be stuck 40 miles from home until late at night; the inevitable re-inspection of the school (which, knowing it doesn’t matter, I don’t really care about the result of but still don’t want to have to put up with the stupidity of); and finding a new job.

I don’t have a new job yet. I have applied to several. I haven’t heard anything back from any of them yet, but going on past experiences of applying for jobs, HR departments are extremely slow. I haven’t given up hope yet, and the Universe may well surprise me by throwing something I actually want to do for a good amount of money my way. Until then, though, the uncertainty is the killer. If I had the security of knowing that I had a new job to go to – to look forward to – after the end of this particular nightmare, I’d feel a lot better about my remaining time.

Still, can’t be helped. All I can do is just keep applying for things and eventually someone will appreciate me. Right? Right. Of course.

On a lighter note, we recorded the SquadCast for Machinarium tonight – an adorable little indie point-and-click adventure featuring robots and no language. My current tentative plan is to edit that next weekend, so keep an eye out for that one. Also watch this space for more exciting Squadron of Shame podcast news.

See, I like doing that stuff. The annoying thing is no-one wants to pay me for it!

One A Day, Day 34: Progress Update

Well, I have to say, this is going well so far. Doubly so given that the original proponent of the whole “oneaday” thing has given up. It’s fair enough, really – committing yourself to writing something every single day, even if it’s complete crap and doesn’t mean anything to anyone but yourself can be a bind, but I’ve made sure (so far) to ensure that I don’t get behind – even if that means frantically typing something on my iPhone while lying in bed, or typing something at 3 in the morning while pissed up on gin and tonic.

So the blogging’s going well, at least. I’m approaching the end of my week off now, though, and my body is starting to let me know this fact. I hadn’t been directly thinking about my return to work, but still I’ve developed a cough and a horrible nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomac

[The remainder of this post disappeared into WordPress oblivion – only noticed today. Apologies!]

One A Day, Day 15: Blips

Blips today. Nothing that interesting to say, so I’ll go with the snippet approach.

Back to work today. Boo. But at least I could get away with making them all do a writing test this morning, so I didn’t have to do very much for the first hour or so. Hooray! I also tidied my classroom and filed the bajillion bits of paper that were littering the top of my desk… some (well, most) into the bin and others into actual files with dividers and everything. Suddenly, by doing that, I feel a bit less incompetent. Still doesn’t make me want to carry on though – teaching’s had its chance.

Took me two hours to get to work this morning. It’s usually an hour’s drive. The last hour was taken up by the last three miles of the journey. It was one of those annoying traffic jams where it wasn’t at all obvious what the problem was – and there probably wasn’t anything at the front of it. It had snowed a little bit, but not enough to make the roads perilous, so I’m not sure that could be an excuse. I could be wrong though.

Currently installing Mass Effect 2. I’ve been replaying the prequel as a Renegade (went as a Paragon on my first playthrough) but overenthusiastic tweets from friends have made me want to jump on board and import my old Paragon character.

Also found one of the best apps out there for iPhone 1st gen/3G owners – iVideoCamera. It’s 59p and is a fully-functional video camera with export to camera roll, Twitter, YouTube and Wi-Fi. The quality isn’t quite as good as with a proper 3GS, but it’s certainly acceptable. You can use it in either 160xsomething mode at full frame rate for unlimited recording, or 320xsomething at 10fps for “high quality” mode. Both look just fine, and are certainly enough to shoot a quick video and post to Twitter or something. So if you still have a 3G like me, then it’s a great app. And cheap.

Well, that’s about that for today. Sorry I don’t have more to say. But the whole thing with “one a day” is that not every day is vastly interesting. Go and look at my photos from yesterday if you haven’t already. The low-level pebbly beach shot with the nice depth of field is currently my desktop background.

One A Day, Day 7: Achievement Unlocked!

That’s one week of continuous blogging. Achievement unlocked! Okay, some of the entries have been fairly pointless so far, but at least I’m writing something, and there’s no better practice at writing than to actually do it.

Just been for a run – my third this week. This means I’ve successfully completed the first week of the course I linked to yesterday. Achievement unlocked! Here’s the route I took today, in case you were curious. Going over the Itchen Bridge meant there were a lot more hills than usual, so my legs feel like they’ve had a decent workout today.

I have a meeting with my boss on Monday to discuss my leaving date! Achievement unlocked! Possibly!

Enough of that. Achievement un… Stop it. Seriously.

Today’s been another quiet, dull day. Played a bit more of the Star Trek Online beta earlier and tried out a character on the Klingon side. It seems that Klingon players mainly play PvP missions – or perhaps that’s just what’s in the Klingon sectors. I wonder what happens if you go further afield?

On the writing front, it’s been great to see members of the Squadron of Shame getting well into contributing to BitMob, one of the best community-driven games sites out there, with lots of “alumni” from the 1up blogosphere (ugh… hate that word) finding a new home there. I’ll definitely be contributing more as time goes on – if nothing else, it’s good practice for thinking up interesting ideas for articles which I could pitch to potential freelance clients. If you haven’t checked out my articles there yet, go do so! (The Bayonetta article is by far the most popular. I’m not sure what that says to me.)

That’s about all I have to say today, apart from the usual “I really don’t want to go back to work on Monday”. But let’s try and be positive. There’s still some of Sunday night left. Dinner, avoiding seeing Dancing on Ice and probably Star Trek Online await.