#omeaday Day 130: Rest and Relaxation

Well, that’s our first “full” day of holiday over and done with, and we’ve had a pleasantly relaxing, chilled out day. The temptation when coming somewhere like Center Parcs is to want to be doing stuff all the time, but honestly we’ve had a very nice day today just visiting the swimming pool in the morning, getting some bits and pieces from the shop for lunch and dinner, and then just enjoying hanging out in our lodge.

It’s strange, isn’t it? Even when you’re doing the sort of things you’d usually do at home, they somehow feel more “special” when you’re doing them somewhere out of the ordinary. I had a cheese baguette at lunchtime and it was approximately 48% more delicious by virtue of the fact it was prepared and eaten by me in a forest cabin rather than our house.

The wildlife around here is insanely tame. Earlier in the day, a group of ducks came up to our window and actually started tapping on it. They somehow knew we’d just made sandwiches, and wanted to participate. At other times, we’ve had deer and squirrels come right up to the patio doors, clearly begging. It seems the advice to not feed the wildlife mostly falls on deaf ears. And the wildlife, it appears, is not above being cute in an attempt to get food.

For activities that don’t involve going outside, I decided to play through Ufouria: The Saga on Evercade while I was here, and I beat it earlier today. That was thoroughly satisfying; it’s a great game, and I’m glad I took the time to play it. Perhaps some words on MoeGamer about that one when I get back.

Anyway, it’s now well after midnight and I should probably sleep. No real plans for tomorrow except to have dinner out, and perhaps do some “Adventure Golf”. Toodle pip.

Want to read my thoughts on various video games, visual novels and other popular culture things? Stop by MoeGamer.net, my site for all things fun where I am generally a lot more cheerful. And if you fancy watching some vids on classic games, drop by my YouTube channel.

#oneaday Day 115: Forest getaway

I slept terribly last night and consequently woke up this morning feeling like absolute garbage. It didn’t improve much as the day went on, but I feel vaguely more human now, just as it’s about time to head to bed.

I can, at least, console myself with the fact that the wife and I have booked a much-needed holiday for in a couple of weeks. We’re going to Center Parcs in Elveden Forest again. This is, I believe, the third time we’ve been to Center Parcs together generally, and the second time we’ve been to Elveden Forest. It’s actually the fourth time I’ve been to Elveden Forest, as I went twice when I was a kid: once with my parents, my brother and one of his friends, then again some years later with my parents and one of my friends.

Center Parcs can be a pricy holiday, particularly if you start getting involved in the activities they offer, but honestly even if you do pretty much nothing for the time you’re there, it’s still a thoroughly pleasant getaway. This time around, we’re taking a two-bedroom villa (or “lodge”, I believe they call them now) as it was only fifty quid more than the apartments we usually go for. That should provide plenty of space to spread out, relax and enjoy ourselves.

I was kind of hoping that the next time we went away on holiday, I’d be in a better physical condition, but that’s very much a slow process that has kind of stalled a little bit of late. I’m still down in weight from where I was, but I’ve been really struggling with motivation, so I’ve decided to take a short break from attending Slimming World meetings, at least until after our holiday, and then decide what to do after that. I have been deriving some satisfaction from the Fitness Boxing sessions I’ve been doing, though, so once I feel a bit better after today’s crappy feeling, I’ll be back on that.

Anyway, regardless of the state I’m in, I’m looking forward to some time away. It’s good to get away from it all now and again, have a change of scenery and spend some time in an environment where there’s zero pressure. And I well and truly intend to “unplug” as much as possible from the Internet while I’m away. I’ll still post my daily blog there, and we’ll almost certainly take some gaming equipment with us, but other than that, I intend to pretty much completely ignore that the rest of the world exists for a while, and I’m very much looking forward to that.

Want to read my thoughts on various video games, visual novels and other popular culture things? Stop by MoeGamer.net, my site for all things fun where I am generally a lot more cheerful. And if you fancy watching some vids on classic games, drop by my YouTube channel.

#oneaday Day 56: Disconnect

I’m officially on holiday for a week! I don’t have anything much planned for the time off, aside from our trip on Thursday to go and look at pianos, but I’m going to try and be vaguely “productive” with my time. That means I’m going to try and force myself out in this heat and into the gym — once I’m in the air conditioning, I’m sure it’ll be fine — and I’m going to record some videos, and perhaps write some stuff.

One thing I’m going to try and make an effort to do is not look at “online” stuff as much as humanly possible. I’m not going to look at Twitter (easy, since I don’t have an account any more except the official one I use for work), I’m not going to look at Facebook (ditto), I’m not going to look at BlueSky (easy enough) and I’m probably going to try and ration my Discord usage as much as possible also.

I just don’t want to know, you see. I don’t want or need to know what people are arguing about today, or what the worst people on the Internet are being sexist, racist or transphobic about today. I don’t want to know about the seemingly endless parade of layoffs in the games industry. And I don’t want to know how shit online media in general is. I know all these things. They are not going to change.

Instead, I would like a nice, quiet week off, away from it all as much as possible. This will demand a certain amount of willpower, of course, but I’m confident I can find enough things to occupy myself with that I won’t need to idly flip through social-related apps on my phone. I have games to play, books to read, episodes of Deep Space Nine to watch, music to play, videos to make and all manner of other things. So why should I waste my time with stuff that, on balance, makes me miserable?

I shouldn’t, obviously. So that’s the plan. Minimise looking at anything potentially upsetting, frustrating or annoying online and just enjoy the things I have around me. I will, of course, still be checking in here and those videos I’m making will be up on YouTube, but aside from that… a bit of “digital detox” is just what the doctor ordered for a week. I hope it leaves me feeling refreshed, because heaven knows I feel run-down right now.

Time for the first sleep of the holiday, then. Bring on the aircon!

Want to read my thoughts on various video games, visual novels and other popular culture things? Stop by MoeGamer.net, my site for all things fun where I am generally a lot more cheerful. And if you fancy watching some vids on classic games, drop by my YouTube channel.

1750: Time Kompression

Page_1Once again, time has been proving itself to be somewhat fluid. I’ve only had a week off from work, but it feels like an eternity; it probably helps that I’ve done one hell of a lot of things in said week off — most notably going back and forth to Scotland, but also last night’s trip to London for Distant Worlds as well as a few other things — but this would seem to disprove the whole “time flies when you’re having fun” theory; I’ve certainly been having plenty of fun, but this week feels like it’s been an extremely long one.

I’m not complaining; it’s been nice to have what actually feels like a really long holiday when, in fact, I’ve only been away for a week. I feel quite rested and relaxed and, necessity of waking up at an ungodly hour for a commute that doesn’t suck all of the balls aside, pretty much ready to face the day tomorrow. I’m sure I’ll be back into the same old routine before long, but that’s not really a bad thing; routines are comfortable and familiar, and form the backbone to one’s existence. Routines mean that breaks like I’ve had this week feel all the more meaningful and enjoyable; times like this week are honest-to-goodness breaks when I don’t have to worry about anything and can just enjoy some legitimately completely free time.

This is something I never really got when I was working from home. Although most of the publications I worked for were perfectly happy for me to take a few days off here and there, it was sort of hard to justify doing so when I have a laptop and could work from literally anywhere there was an Internet connection. Indeed, on a number of occasions I found myself working hard well into the night when I should really have been relaxing and enjoying myself doing other things, but I was always keen to make a decent impression with the effort I made — that and, in the case of things I wrote regularly, such as my Japanese gaming column on USgamer, I didn’t want to let down my audience.

This is something I never really got when I was a teacher, either: you can’t just take a day (or week, or month) off here and there when you’re working as a teacher; you have to go by the holiday calendar the school follows. This makes things both restrictive and prohibitively expensive; school holidays are “primetime” season for travelling, tourist attractions and, indeed, pretty much everything, so the prices are jacked up accordingly. Not only that, it means that there’s just no letting up, even when you need a break for the sake of your health — mental, physical or both. Couple that with the guilt trip you get when you take a day off genuinely sick — you’re expected to provide a full day’s worth of lesson plans for cover teachers to use even if you’re on your deathbed — and the whole situation is just rather shitty all round.

So now I am pleased to enjoy my times of holiday, because they’re just that — time off. Nothing to worry about. No work I “should” be doing while I’m away; no “I’ll just check in on the office email”; no “I’ll just pen a quick article on that” — just rest and relaxation. Bliss.


Well, we are. I’m looking forward to it a lot, even though my innate Britishness prevents me from showing any outward signs of it.

It’s the first proper holiday either Andie or I have had for quite a while, and it’s the first one I’ve had for ages where I haven’t had to do at least some work in it. (As it happens, depending on when my new gig starts, I may find myself having to do some work while I’m out there, but at present I’m as free as a bird, which is a very pleasant feeling indeed.)

Holidays are ludicrously expensive, aren’t they? Well, depending on where you go, obviously. But for the most part, if you want to go somewhere nice and/or abroad, you’ll generally find yourself having to pay through the nose just to get there, and then a whole bunch on top of that once you are there, assuming you actually want to, you know, do stuff. Fortunately, we’re lucky enough to have some friends where we’re going (all right, the primary reason we’re going on holiday is to visit them) and as such the expenses while we’re actually there will be significantly less than had we had to find a hotel for the time we’re out there. So thank you enormously to our gracious hosts for putting up with us!

This will be the second time I’ve visited Toronto. I really enjoyed my last trip there, as it’s an interesting city. Those who live there probably take it all for granted by now, but I was struck by its incredibly multicultural nature. I’m not talking like British multicultural, either, where you have districts that are predominantly Asian, Polish, whatever — no, I’m talking about this strange and wonderful thing Toronto has going on where you’ll be walking down one street and it’s Chinatown, then you’ll walk down another and the architecture is completely and utterly different and the people are likewise completely and utterly different. It’s quite chaotic, in a sense, but in a thoroughly pleasant sort of way.

The other reason I’m looking forward to visiting Toronto, of course, is the people we’re going to visit. Mark and Lynette are some very dear friends whom I haven’t seen face-to-face since 2010 and my trip to PAX East, at which I got to meet a whole bunch of people from the Squadron of Shame for the first time. I’ve often said that that trip was one of the most genuinely happy times of my life, and I stand by that; the fond memories are made all the more potent by the fact that everything else in my life pretty much fell to pieces shortly after that trip, but fortunately, as long-time followers will know, things are in a much better place for me now.

I’m looking forward to seeing Mark and Lynette (and their friends, too, some of whom I’m already acquainted with) because they are My Kind of People — people with whom I can nerd out about Persona, anime, JRPGs, board games and all manner of other geeky stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I very much enjoy spending time with my friends who live near me here in Southampton, but very few of them are “into” the same things to quite such a degree as I am. Sure, a lot of them are gamers to varying degrees, but an unfortunate side-effect of the games industry’s diversity these days is that not everyone is into the same things. One of my regular board gaming buddies is massively into Minecraft and Skyrimfor example, whereas I think I’m pretty much “over” both of those games, largely because I have such an astonishingly huge Pile of Shame to play through and thus don’t really want to devote any time to two potentially endless experiences. I don’t really know many people in this country — certainly not anyone I can just pop over for a coffee with — who would get quite so excited about, say, Ar Tonelico or Trauma Team as me.

Still, I guess in one sense this is a sort of good thing — I’m grasping here, I know — because it makes those rare opportunities to get together with Your Kind of People special occasions to be enjoyed and treasured. I’m hoping the coming two weeks will be memorable and fun not only for me and Andie, but for Mark, Lynette and anyone else who gets involved, too. There will doubtless be plenty of board and video games along the way, plus eating good food with good friends.

Can’t wait. So I should probably get to bed so I don’t miss our flight in the morning, huh? Catch you on the other side of the Atlantic, then.

#oneaday Day 728: Lag

I’ve had a somewhat inconsistent experience with jetlag on this particular trip. The other night when I was playing Ascension until 1AM, I was absolutely fine. Yet tonight, it’s 9.30PM and I’m knackered. Doubtless I will sleep shortly and awaken at approximately 4AM, when it will be freezing cold. At least it will give me some time to get some work done ahead of visiting the fine Mr Whittington tomorrow.

Part of this evening’s tiredness can probably be attributed to a fairly busy day, however. We took a trip into San Francisco, rode the cable cars and walked a whole lot. I discovered what the hell “taffy” is (chewy, and available in a huge variety of flavours) and enjoyed some calamari and fries by the Bay.

As with so many trips away, time is passing far too quickly. There’s only so much you can do in a week — particularly if you have a bit of work to do along the way — and it’s easy to get to the end wishing you’d done more. Ideally we’d have had the chance to stay over here a bit longer, but that’s not really practical at the moment, sadly.

On that note, I feel I’m going to have to bid you all farewell as I can barely keep my eyes open. Time to sleep early, and wake up at stupid o’clock in the morning; an inversion of my usual habits back home!

One A Day, Day 26: One Week To Live

Well, that’s that. For now, at least. I’ve reached the end of my penultimate half-term at the school I’m working at and the deputy head came in to thank me for doing a “great job” with the class I’m lumbered with. She also apologised for me not having the support I should really have as a new primary teacher, and for the “challenging… to say the least” behaviour of the pupils. Jane pointed out to me tonight that however bad it feels to you when you’re in the middle of a bad situation, other people inevitably think you’re doing a better job than you think you are. She put it better than I did, but it’s late and I’m tired. She’s probably right – it’s just hard to remember that sometimes.

So, what now? I have a week to burn. It will probably go by much too quickly, but here are some of the things I intend to get done:

  • Do some writing – both on here, on BitMob and possibly a return to Helium, an interesting site for aspiring writers.
  • Do some music – I have the piano scores for the Persona 3/Trinity Soul and Persona 4 soundtracks, so I may try and record those. They’re easy-ish arrangements so shouldn’t take too long.
  • Play some Mass Effect 2 – I love what I’ve played so far, but have only really had the chance to play in short bursts with distractions recently. I’ll hopefully have the opportunity to spend a bit more time in the company of Commander Shepard and company.
  • Play some Star Trek Online – I reached Lieutenant Commander level last week, which meant I got the chance to pick up a brand new ship. I went for a Science vessel which looks a bit like Voyager and is named the U.S.S. Penetrator, after the Syreen vessels in Star Control II. (My character is a Syreen, thanks to the excellent character editor allowing the production of blue-skinned Amazonian women – albeit ones in Starfleet uniforms – as player characters)
  • Play through Machinarium for the Squadron of Shame. I know next to nothing about this game, and am looking forward to trying it.
  • Go fiddle with Gowalla and Foursquare some more – I really dig these apps and find them an interesting idea. They’re a good reason to go out and just explore the area around you. Foursquare finally works properly in the UK, but I’ve been using Gowalla for a while now so have gained a bit of “loyalty” for it. I’m interested to see what – if anything – Foursquare offers over and above Gowalla.
  • Wander into the forest and take some more photos – I enjoyed my wander around the deserted New Forest landscape the other day. I want to find a more “wooded” bit though – despite being technically “in the forest”, the part I went to didn’t have much in the way of trees.
  • Have a coffee and a catch-up with some ex-workmates.
  • Remind Jane regularly that she has an essay to write. (Yes, it’s still there. Get off here and get on with it.)

That’s my plan, then. It seems like a sound one to me.