#oneaday Day 796: Social Unplugged


I unplugged myself from a bunch of social networks yesterday. I haven’t deleted my accounts as yet and probably won’t do so unless said sites start spamming me excessively, but I have stopped using a number of services which were proving to be fairly unnecessary in my day to day life. All told, I said goodbye to Foursquare, Gowalla, Path, Quora, GetGlue and possibly some others that have slipped my mind. Cold turkey, too — I simply deleted the apps from my phone and didn’t tend to use their websites anyway. It was a pleasingly liberating feeling to have released myself from some of these self-imposed shackles.

So what have I chosen to keep around? Facebook and Twitter, for starters, since those are the nearest we have to “industry standard” social networking tools. Twitter’s integration into iOS 5, for example, proves that Apple is certainly willing to show its support for the microblogging site, and it’s rare these days to see a TV show that doesn’t prominently display an “official” hashtag for online discussion alongside the broadcast. Facebook, meanwhile, I largely keep around for two reasons: firstly, my job, which involves playing a large number of Facebook games; and secondly, I have a number of friends and family who don’t really “get” Twitter (or have no real desire to do so) and thus Facebook is a reliable means of communication with them.

Alongside this I have a Google+ account and am still a fan of Google’s clean, clear service. Despite superficial similarities to Facebook, it actually provides a rather distinct user experience, combining the ease of discovering new people of Twitter with the possibility for conversations of more than 140 characters at once of Facebook. A lot of people feel they don’t “need” it and indeed many of my friends who also use Twitter and Facebook have kind of relaxed their use of the service somewhat, but this has left me with a variety of unique and fascinating people with whom to engage with. Despite the hoohah over Google’s changed privacy policy a few weeks back, the Google+ integration across the Web (particularly noticeable on YouTube) is a great example of how to do the “sharing” thing right.

I also still have the Formspring app on my phone. I haven’t used it for a while, but occasionally it’s a lot of fun to ask for some bizarre questions, see what nonsensical queries people can come out with and then attempt to retort with some appropriately witty (or brutally honest) responses. It’s utterly pointless for the most part, but it’s actually a good means for flexing the writing muscles in a slightly different way to what this blog offers — rather than having to come up with a topic myself, a Formspring answer is a short piece of writing based on a stimulus provided by someone else. I enjoy doing this.

Besides those (and the WordPress app, of course, for maintaining this ‘ere site), though, I’ve come to the conclusion I have no need for anything else. I have no real need to “check in” to places I’m at, things I’m watching or books I’m reading, because it’s just as straightforward to just post on Facebook, Twitter or G+ that I’m doing those things. They were fun for a while (and GetGlue sends you actual real physical stickers if you earn enough badges on the site!) but ultimately they’re meaningless noise in an already chaotic world. So away they go. And thus my life becomes approximately 27% more peaceful.

If you’d like to follow me on Twitter, you can do so here. If you’d like to circle me on G+, you can do so here. And if you’d like to ask me silly questions on Formspring, you can do so here. That’s your lot!

#oneaday Day 127: You Checked In

Gamification pervades our mobile, Internet-connected society. The concept has been around a lot longer than the buzzword, of course, but it’s in recent years that it’s really taken off thanks to all manner of applications that while in practice are mostly pointless, somehow manage to be fun. I guess that’s part of the point.

Take Foursquare, for example, primarily a service to do two things: to tell people where you are, and to find things that are nearby. But add in points, leaderboards and collectible badges and somehow it becomes an incentive to get out and about and explore places. Same with rival app Gowalla, which has a whole other set of things to collect.

When the whole “check-in” craze first started, it looked like it was primarily going to be a location-based service. But no — services like GetGlue popped up, allowing people to check in to the entertainment they were enjoying as well as discuss it with others and find out new things that they like.

Whatever you think about the applications and their uses themselves, all of them contribute to building up a large, mostly user-generated database of Interesting Things, whether those things are places, pieces of entertainment, beers or whatever else you can check in to these days. Would people take the time to put these collaborative databases together if they didn’t feel like they were being “rewarded” for it?

Well, perhaps. Look at Wikipedia — that represents a repository of a considerable amount of human knowledge on topics both important and utterly asinine. There’s no experience levels, badges or anything else there, just the contributors’ knowledge that they have helped with a worldwide effort to collect humanity’s knowledge.

What the “gamification” side of things adds, though, is enough incentive for lazy people to take part. People who write and edit Wikipedia entries are, in all likelihood, interested in their topic enough to be able to write at length about it — not to mention putting up with the seemingly-endless community criticism. Someone who checks into a Foursquare venue and leaves a tip saying “try the beef curry, it’s fantastic and only costs four quid on Tuesdays” is helping out other people who may be stopping by the same beef curry-selling establishment and also feels like they’re having a bit of fun while doing it.

Perhaps the education sector should take note. There’s already an element of gamification in schools, what with marks and grades and so on, but perhaps children would be more engaged with things like reading if there was more of a game-like “incentive” for them to get on with it? Perhaps schools should set up their own GetGlue-style social network to allow kids to check in to what they are doing and earn “rewards” for things like reading books, completing homework and the like.

Okay. You shouldn’t need that sort of thing to get kids engaged — but having worked as a teacher, it’s clear that something should be done to get kids interested rather than apathetic. Perhaps gamification is the way forward for education?

#oneaday, Day 240: Making your Mark

It’s odd (and not a little morbid) to think about the things that you leave behind that people might remember you by. Those little marks you make on the world, whether they’re physical marks scrawled on a toilet door with permanent marker pen, mental marks left in the mind of people or now, technological marks, too.

There’ll always be a little trace of me left in Southampton thanks to largely-pointless but fun geotagging app Gowalla. When I first downloaded said app, there weren’t many people using it but I liked the idea of it. Go out, walk around, “collect” places. If nothing else, it was a nice way of building yourself your own custom tourist map of a place.

So on more than one occasion, I went out for a walk with the specific intention of creating a bunch of Spots around Southampton. This became something of an obsession, with the vast majority of Spots around the city centre being created by me. General way of telling: if it has a lengthy and slightly sarcastic description, or is the kind of thing you wouldn’t find on a typical tourist map (such as “The Pedestrian Crossing That Makes The Funny Noise”), it was probably created by me.

Now, as pointless as Gowalla is in many respects, there are many reasons why it’ll always hold a fond place in my heart. Firstly, as I say, it’s been my way to leave my mark on Southampton. I “found” these places and tagged them the way I wanted them to be tagged. This means that Greggs on East Street will forever be remembered as “fine dining for chavs”. At least until they realise and ask politely for the description to be changed. Which, let’s face it, they probably won’t.

But the second reason is that my wandering around, creating these spots, marking my territory (as it were… albeit with less piss than is usually implied by that phrase) caused me to meet one of my dearest friends from that city. She happened to use Gowalla, stumbled across some of my sarcastically-described Spots and decided that the person who tagged Greggs as such was someone she’d like to get to know better. So we progressed from stalking each other via Gowalla, to tracking each other down on Twitter, to chatting on Twitter, to finally meeting face to face. It was one of those random instances of chaos theory at work, where one little choice made slightly differently would have meant we’d never have met. And, given what was going on in my life at the time we met, and how much she helped me through that difficult time, that would have made things go very differently for me.

So I’m certainly glad that I’ve left a “mark” on a few places over time, be it physically, emotionally or technologically. Because you never know when those marks might lead to something great, even after you’re gone.

One A Day, Day 26: One Week To Live

Well, that’s that. For now, at least. I’ve reached the end of my penultimate half-term at the school I’m working at and the deputy head came in to thank me for doing a “great job” with the class I’m lumbered with. She also apologised for me not having the support I should really have as a new primary teacher, and for the “challenging… to say the least” behaviour of the pupils. Jane pointed out to me tonight that however bad it feels to you when you’re in the middle of a bad situation, other people inevitably think you’re doing a better job than you think you are. She put it better than I did, but it’s late and I’m tired. She’s probably right – it’s just hard to remember that sometimes.

So, what now? I have a week to burn. It will probably go by much too quickly, but here are some of the things I intend to get done:

  • Do some writing – both on here, on BitMob and possibly a return to Helium, an interesting site for aspiring writers.
  • Do some music – I have the piano scores for the Persona 3/Trinity Soul and Persona 4 soundtracks, so I may try and record those. They’re easy-ish arrangements so shouldn’t take too long.
  • Play some Mass Effect 2 – I love what I’ve played so far, but have only really had the chance to play in short bursts with distractions recently. I’ll hopefully have the opportunity to spend a bit more time in the company of Commander Shepard and company.
  • Play some Star Trek Online – I reached Lieutenant Commander level last week, which meant I got the chance to pick up a brand new ship. I went for a Science vessel which looks a bit like Voyager and is named the U.S.S. Penetrator, after the Syreen vessels in Star Control II. (My character is a Syreen, thanks to the excellent character editor allowing the production of blue-skinned Amazonian women – albeit ones in Starfleet uniforms – as player characters)
  • Play through Machinarium for the Squadron of Shame. I know next to nothing about this game, and am looking forward to trying it.
  • Go fiddle with Gowalla and Foursquare some more – I really dig these apps and find them an interesting idea. They’re a good reason to go out and just explore the area around you. Foursquare finally works properly in the UK, but I’ve been using Gowalla for a while now so have gained a bit of “loyalty” for it. I’m interested to see what – if anything – Foursquare offers over and above Gowalla.
  • Wander into the forest and take some more photos – I enjoyed my wander around the deserted New Forest landscape the other day. I want to find a more “wooded” bit though – despite being technically “in the forest”, the part I went to didn’t have much in the way of trees.
  • Have a coffee and a catch-up with some ex-workmates.
  • Remind Jane regularly that she has an essay to write. (Yes, it’s still there. Get off here and get on with it.)

That’s my plan, then. It seems like a sound one to me.