1900: 20th Century

Post 1900. Feels like a significant number. I feel I should do something significant, but I’m not sure what.

Perhaps a reintroduction for those who are just joining me, and an explanation of what that “1900” is all about.

Hello. I’m Pete. I’ve been writing on this blog every day for the past 1900 days. It initially started as a Twitter-based challenge called #oneaday in which the participants were challenged to write absolutely anything every day for a year. I joined a little late, only hearing about it midway through January of 2010, but I decided it was something I wanted to be a part of, so I jumped in. Not everyone who started made it to the end of the year — hell, some people didn’t make it to the end of January — but I did. So I carried on. And on.

And now here I am, over five years later, still doing this for my own amusement more than anything else, but also as a means of self-expression, catharsis, stress-relief or simply a place to enthuse about things I’m excited about when no-one else wants to listen. I do that last one a lot.

The last five years have been a rocky road, and not in the pleasant chocolatey way. I’m still in the midst of a fairly unpleasant time of my life thanks to not currently having a regular source of income after a series of unfortunate and horrible episodes of being screwed over, though hopefully the income situation will change soon following some recent events.

I live in a house that I own with my fiancee Andie; we’re getting married in June of this year. We have two rats called Clover and Socks. We would like either a cat or a dog, but haven’t decided which yet, and figure the former in particular might be an unwise choice while the rats are still around — which hopefully they will be for at least a little while yet.

I’m a musician. Piano is my first instrument, and recently I actually bought my first real (albeit cheap and slightly battered) piano, having been getting by on an electric piano for the last few years — it’s just not the same. I also play the clarinet and saxophone; just recently, I’ve been doing some clarinet teaching for the first time in years in some local primary schools. While sort of fun, it’s also been reminding me why I don’t want to go back to classroom teaching ever — oh, yes, I’m a qualified classroom teacher with a specialism in music.

I play a lot of Final Fantasy XIV. My character’s name is Amarysse Jerhynsson, and you can find her on the Ultros server. To my surprise, Andie started playing a little while back and now possibly plays even more than I do, even coming raiding with me on Sunday nights.

I love Japanese games. I often celebrate them on this blog, but also write about them in more detail on my other site MoeGamerI set up MoeGamer after being laid off from Eurogamer offshoot USgamer last year. I don’t get to update it as often as I’d like to — at least partly because lots of Japanese games are pretty long and I like to have beaten them before I write about them in detail! — but it provides a means of continuing the thing I enjoyed best about my time at USgamer: my weekly JPgamer column, in which I regularly enthused about the Japanese games that other publications ignored at best, ridiculed at worst.

Aside from Final Fantasy XIV, I am currently playing Hyperdevotion Noire and Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus on Vita. I am absolutely loving both. Noire is a surprisingly competent strategy RPG (or unsurprisingly, if you’re more familiar with developer Sting than I am) featuring characters who have become firm favourites over the last couple of years. Senran Kagura, meanwhile, continues the series’ tradition of blending enjoyably cheeky fanservice with genuinely good stories about the nature of good and evil, what it means to be a shinobi and how you go about finding your place in the world.

I am fat. I have recently started attending Slimming World sessions and have so far lost over 2 stone in 10 weeks, so that’s going quite well. I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up that pace, but if I can get even vaguely close to my self-imposed target I’ll be happy.

I am depressed, and have lost at least one job as an indirect result of this. Recently, I finally plucked up the courage to go to the doctor and talk about it. The doctor complimented me on my thoughtful, philosophical attitude towards it — she caught me on a good day — and prescribed me some anti-anxiety meds. I can’t say whether or not they’re actually doing anything yet, but, well, baby steps and all that.

To the person who came to this blog by searching for “video games with a lot of pantyshots”, may I recommend the Dead or Alive series, Rival Schools on the PSone, Senran Kagura, and any visual novel that errs on the side of “eroge” without getting into weird shit.

To the person who came to this blog by searching for “huniepop kyu”, this is for you.

This is Kyu, the magic fairy who's going to make you better at talking to girls.

To the people who have been following along for the last 1900 days, thanks for indulging me for so long. To the people who have joined me recently, hello, welcome, and perhaps you understand me a little better now.

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3 thoughts on “1900: 20th Century

  1. I genuinely have no idea how you manage to blog once a day. I find I have to be in a pretty specific mood and have a pretty specific inspiration to want to sit down and write for fun.

    I didn’t know you played saxophone as well! I played alto sax in middle school and high school, and learned the piano around the same time. It’s been way too long since I’ve touched either.

  2. Kudos to you for heading to the doctor about your depression and anxiety. It’s always amazing to me how many people out there accept that they suffer from these issues, understand that they have a significant medical problem, but still don’t see treatment for one reason or another (I’m sure the largest of which, is social stigma). If you broke your leg, you’d get a cast put on it, right? It takes alot of courage to finally gather yourself up and do what you did.

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