1314: Day One in Eorzea

So it’s finally here: Final Fantasy XIV. Of course, this isn’t the first time I’ve played, as well you’ll know if you’ve been paying attention to my enthusing, but we’re at last at the stage where the game won’t be “turned off” for significant periods of time (maintenance periods aside), and all characters people are playing as now are for keeps. (Here’s mine, if you happened to be curious.)

While I’m not exactly what I’d call a hardcore MMO player, I have been present at the launch of a number of reasonably-to-large-sized MMOs, including World of Warcraft, Star Trek Online, DC Universe Online and a few others I’ve doubtless forgotten. And I have to say I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how well things have been going for Final Fantasy XIV so far — more often than not, an MMO’s launch is a complete disaster, with servers going down, significant gameplay problems and at least one Legendary Error that becomes a meme before the first day is out.

Today’s experience on Final Fantasy XIV hasn’t been completely flawless — on more than one occasion, there has been problems with the instance servers, for example. For those not au fait with MMO lingo, an “instance” is a private copy of part of the game world specifically for your character and, in some cases, your party. Final Fantasy XIV makes extensive use of instances not just for multiplayer dungeons, which is how World of Warcraft popularised their use to the world, but also to keep significant “story events” for your character private and free of naked catgirls wandering around ruining the atmosphere (or enhancing it, depending on your view on naked catgirls).

FFXIV isn’t completely reliant on these instances, thankfully, but the game’s main story quest and class-specific quests do make use of them quite frequently, so the fact that they haven’t been working properly for part of today has meant some people haven’t been able to make as much progress as they’d like to have done. Naturally, some players have expressed anger at this — this is the Internet, after all, where people start petitions to remove Ben Affleck as the next Batman, for fuck’s sake — but, as ever, this isn’t particularly reasonable. Sure, it’d be lovely to have the game working as intended from the moment it’s turned on, but we’re currently in an “Early Access” period, with official service not starting until Tuesday for players who didn’t preorder or play the previous incarnation of the game. As such, it’s a good opportunity for Square Enix to work out any last-minute kinks — like this instance issue — and ensure things are running as smoothly as possible when new, non-preorder players start to arrive.

I should also draw attention to the fact that Square Enix hasn’t just been sitting back and letting these problems go on; they’ve been investigating the causes and trying their best to fix them. There was a maintenance period earlier today that temporarily fixed the instance issues, but then they came back; as I type this, they think they’ve found the solution, but are testing it thoroughly before rolling it out to the game proper. By later tonight, it should hopefully be a lot more stable.

So far, then, FFXIV’s launch has been one of the smoother ones I’ve seen. It hasn’t been without issues, no, but at the same time they’ve been handled as well as can be expected — and things can only improve from here.

So here’s to many more adventures in Eorzea; I’ve had fun today, and I’m looking forward to the further adventures of my character Amarysse as she becomes an ever more skilled thaumaturgist.

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