2065: Some Thoughts for Critics


Hi critics of the world. I’m going to try and keep my anger in check today, but I’m making no promises, because this heap of crap from (once?) respected critic Jim Sterling was brought to my attention earlier today.

I don’t want to dwell on Sterling’s piece specifically too much because, to be honest, there’s even less substance there than there was in Mike Diver’s piece for Vice UK a little while back. Instead I want to talk about a more general philosophy that I think would be of benefit to everyone: critics involved in the industry, PR representatives whose job it is to get the word out about their clients’ games, the developers and publishers of said games and, of course, the various audiences who are interested in all the different types of games out there.

It’s actually a pretty simple philosophy, and it would go a long way towards preventing me from ever having to write another post like this, which, to be perfectly honest, I would be very happy about.

It goes like this: if you’re not going to give something a chance, I’d rather you simply didn’t cover it at all than spew ill-informed nonsense.

It makes perfect sense, surely: you don’t have to write about something you personally find repugnant/offensive/boring/unengaging/rubbish; PR representatives don’t have to look at the pipes in their ceiling and wonder if they can support the weight of a dangling human body; developers and publishers get their creative efforts into the hands of people who will actually respect their work, even if it’s not “flawless” (and nothing is flawless); and audiences aren’t belittled by people branding things they enjoy with pejorative statements.

You’d think it’d be that simple. You’d think that, with all the diversity in the modern gaming landscape, that supposedly respected critics like Jim Sterling and Mike Diver would recognise that something like Senran Kagura 2 is not going to interest them in the slightest, and, rather than posting provocative nonsense on the Internet about them, which only has the effect of riling fans up and cementing the attitudes of the prejudiced, they would simply move on to something that they are willing to engage with, that they are willing to explore in detail, that they are willing to do justice to.

Because coverage such as the pieces from Sterling and Diver recently — and God knows, there’s a bunch more of crap like this out there — helps no-one, not even the critics themselves. In demonstrating a clear unwillingness to even attempt to engage with a work they find personally objectionable, they undermine their credibility in the eyes of people who are interested in it. Note: this doesn’t necessarily mean that the people who are interested in it like it — there are plenty of Senran Kagura fans out there who prefer the Vita and PS4 games to the 3DS installments, for example — but rather, it just means that the critics in question become someone whom those audience members will not trust the opinions of in future.

As I say, this is easy to do. I don’t like Call of Duty and Battlefield, so you know what? I don’t talk about them at all, except on the occasions where I’ve decided to give them a try just to ensure that I really do dislike them and I’m not just against them because they’re popular. I don’t understand in-depth strategy games — I wouldn’t say I dislike them, because I’m often enamoured with the concepts, I just don’t “get” them — so, you know what? I don’t talk about them, either, because I can’t do justice to them. I don’t like Dota 2, so you know what? Of course you do by now.

The only reason that critics like Sterling and Diver put out pieces like they have done recently is to get a reaction. And it pisses me off that it works. In an ideal world, we would be able to ignore this sort of thing, and I would love to do that, but as I’ve commented previously, the world we live in right now means that it’s important to call attention to bad practice like this, because there’s not enough in the way of high-profile good practice to counteract the damage that bad critics like this are doing. Sure, there are sites like Niche Gamer, Operation Rainfall and the like who give this sort of thing a fair chance — as well as following the eminently sensible idea of having specialist writers rather than generalists attempting to cover everything and doing justice to nothing — but their reach is still limited compared to more well-established, profitable, commercial sites like Vice and high-profile Patreon beneficiaries like Sterling.

As I said before, it’s important to fight. I’d love to see outlets like Niche Gamer and OpRainfall grow into sites that can truly compete with the big boys, but I can’t help thinking before that happens there really needs to be a dramatic shift in how content is produced for the Web, and how people pay for it. Because it all comes down to clickbait; Sterling’s piece today is provocative nonsense, pure and simple, designed to rile up the Senran Kagura fanbase and allow those who dislike Senran Kagura the opportunity to laugh at their expense. And the only reason he felt it was appropriate to publish this — much as Diver thought it was appropriate to publish his pile of crap the other day — is because it would get people to click on it. Well, great job at being a critic. Ebert would be proud.

To summarise: if you don’t think you can do justice to something, or feel unwilling to put in the effort to engage with something on anything more than a superficial level, do us all a favour and don’t cover it. There’s plenty of other stuff out there that needs your attention, so rather than wasting everyone’s time — including your own — how about putting your critical faculties to use on something you’re actually interested in?

Just a thought.

#oneaday Day 795: Thick Skin


They say that in order to “make it” in many industries, you need to have a thick skin. To be able to suck it up, take your medicine, be ready for anything. This is particularly true if you do anything that involves facing the public — and especially true if said public is hiding behind the anonymity of the Internet.

I’ve come to the conclusion over the years that I do not have a thick skin. I feel bad if someone disagrees with me and argues their point a little too aggressively. I feel bad if I’m criticised when I don’t feel it’s warranted. And I feel absolutely fucking terrible if someone insults me directly. Basically, I’m a big wuss, and I’ve come to terms with the fact I’m a big wuss, though it doesn’t particularly help me when these situations do inevitably arise at times.

It’s a side effect of various things, really: anxiety, depression, being an introvert. I always like to feel like I’m trying my best at everything I do, and to have something come along and suggest that no, my best might not actually quite be good enough on this occasion can instantly sour my mood, even after a good day. And even if the criticism, argument or insult is clearly complete nonsense. It just feels bad.

My comments on this are prompted by a discussion that @JimSterling was having on Twitter earlier. He noted the following:

Forbes thinks game reviews fail readers because there’s no dissenting opinion. I should tell them what readers *do* to a dissenting opinion. People always blame reviewers being too nice or too close to PR. I think it’s more they don’t want their audience to harass them. We’re in an industry where gamers personally attack people for giving 8/10 scores, but somehow it’s *all* the reviewers’ and PR’s fault. There’s faults and imperfections on *all* sides, but I’m sick of pundits ignoring the bullshit that the game community itself perpetuates.

Jim’s comments brought to mind a particular incident which arose while I was working on GamePro, may it rest in peace. I wrote a news article about a new game which had been produced by students and faculty at an educational institution in America. (I forget which one, and the article is no more, sadly.) Said game was narrative- and character-heavy and was designed to be an in-depth interactive exploration of LGBT issues — a topic area typically shied away from by many developers and seemingly almost completely taboo in the mainstream. (No, I don’t count the nonsensical, ridiculous “gay” content in BioWare’s recent titles which I have a strong suspicion was added purely for marketing purposes. But I digress.)

The game sounded interesting, and I knew from past comments and engagement with the GamePro community that there was a diverse array of people from all backgrounds reading my news stories, so I figured this would be an interesting thing for people to look at — evidence that interactive entertainment was helping to challenge taboos and break down barriers, in short.

The article was reasonably well-received by most commenters, until one thoroughly obnoxious person came along. He’d shot his mouth off a little on the GamePro Facebook page previously, but it was mostly the gibberings of a paranoid madman who believed that debit cards were out to get him. (I’m not making this up.) This time, though, his gibberings got personal. He called me a paedophile, a pervert, a deviant and all manner of other names. He threatened to organise his supposedly huge group of friends (I doubt the honesty of this claim) to do unpleasant things. He harassed me via Facebook, Twitter and the GamePro comments section — or at least he tried to. He got promptly blocked on Twitter and subject to the Ban Hammer I had the satisfaction of wielding both on GamePro.com and its companion Facebook page.

But the damage was done. I was devastated. I’d never had anyone throw such vitriolic, furious, personal attacks at me before. The article itself had nothing offensive in it whatsoever, and it was neither pro- or anti-LGBT, simply noting the existence of an interesting sounding sociological project that involved interactive entertainment. This was seemingly enough to light the fuse, however, and it completely ruined my day at the time.

I should grow a thicker skin, I know, particularly if I want to get anywhere in online media. But I’m just not sure I have it in me. I just want people to be nicer, to be decent human beings. Is that too much to ask?

Perhaps it is. You can’t change human nature, after all, and after many years of observing behaviour on the Internet it’s clear to me that a lot of people turn into complete dicks when provided with the protective shield of anonymity. As someone who was bullied a great deal when I was back at school, I can’t even imagine how difficult it must be for teens these days considering how easy it is to anonymously “cyber-bully” someone.

Or perhaps they’ve just naturally evolved that thick skin I so desperately need over the last decade or two.

Either way, dear reader, go be nice to someone today. And always follow Wheaton’s Law.