2028: Obstacle Course


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Obstacle Course.”

In yesterday’s look at the sad archive that Plinky.com has become, I stumbled across the fact that WordPress.com now has a “Daily Post” writing prompt. I’m not hugely involved with the overall WordPress community, really, but thought this might be an interesting means of finding some new people — or at the very least, providing myself with some inspiration on what to write day in, day out.

This is today’s prompt, then:

Think about what you wanted to accomplish last week. Did you? What are the things that hold you back from doing everything you’d like to do?

Well, this is going to be a fairly bleak post as I’m in a fairly bleak mood today, but as regular readers will know, sometimes the act of getting those thoughts and feelings out onto the page can prove to be a form of “therapy” in their own right. So we’ll see. Expect honesty.

No, I did not accomplish what I wanted to accomplish last week, though this is partly due to the fact that I didn’t really have anything I wanted to accomplish last week. The trouble I have at the moment is that I’m just sort of “drifting” with occasional freelance work and nothing concrete to occupy my time and thoughts day after day.

In some ways, this is pleasant. Not having any “commitments” as such means that I can essentially do what I want to do, though it’s not long before anxieties over things like money start creeping in and making me feel that I should be doing “more”. More what, I’m not exactly sure, to be honest; the feeling that overtakes me at these times is always simply “you should be doing more” without any specifics attached.

Let’s ponder the things I did achieve, at least: since the Slimming World job I mentioned a few posts back isn’t going to happen for the moment (I need to be a bit closer to my target before I’ll be considered, which is fair enough) I applied to another job. Just a part-time job in retail, so nothing particularly exciting, special or indeed well-paid, but if I’m successful it will be something that provides at least a bit of reasonably predictable income each month that I can use to support the sporadic freelancing I’ve been doing. From there I can decide if I want to pursue that in more depth and attempt to make a career out of it — probably not, but we’ll see — or if I simply want to keep it as one of several things I have on the go at once. I’m inclined to think that the way I can be “happiest” (for want of a better term) is to have a number of different things to do rather than getting bored and frustrated with just one thing — or, worse, getting bored and frustrated with nothing.

One of the awkward things, though, is the fact that I’ve picked up some piano pupils and have been enjoying teaching them so far — and both they and their parents seem to like me, too. This in itself isn’t awkward, of course, but with the current timing of the lessons I have with them, it would make a “regular” job on “normal” hours a little tricky on the day of the week when I teach them. This is proving to be a bit of a mental block for me, to be honest; the prospect of either having to tell a prospective employer that I can’t work on a specific day after a specific time is anxiety-inducing, and at the other end of the spectrum, the prospect of having to juggle around commitments that I’ve already made is also anxiety-inducing. Still, it’s a bridge I will no doubt cross if I ever reach it.

Other achievements? Well, I lost another pound. Slow and steady wins the race, as they say; some people in our Slimming World group aren’t particularly satisfied if they “only” lose a pound in a week, but me? Having not been able to lose any weight for years and now consistently losing at least one pound every week, I’m happy with that. It’s one of the very few things I feel that is going right at the moment, so I cling onto these small victories for all they’re worth.

To answer the second part of the question, then, I think it’s probably pretty clear from what I’ve already written above that the thing holding me back the most from achieving things is anxiety. I had been taking anti-anxiety meds for a little while, though I don’t feel like they’d been having much effect. On reflection, though, now I’ve run out, it’s quite possible that the way I’m feeling today is proof that they had been doing at least something; if not alleviating the anxiety altogether, then at least keeping it at bay somewhat. I’m going to attempt to make a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning and refresh my supply to see if that helps. I would look into proper therapy, too, but while I don’t have a stable income the prospect of having to pay up for that, ironically, fills me with further anxiety.

So all in all, then, things are a bit fucked at the moment. My “obstacle course” doesn’t feel like it’s altogether fair; it feels like I’m surrounded on all sides by impassable objects, and the only way past them is to do something difficult, unpleasant or outright painful. It’s a rubbish feeling and I sincerely hope it passes soon.

For now, though, it’s an evening of stewing in my own bleakness, I guess; it’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. Thanks, as always, for giving ear to my problems, and I hope that one day — preferably soon — I have something a bit more positive to share with you all.

#oneaday, Day 82: The Pile of Shame

Hello everyone! Late again. I’m just going to stop writing that at the start of my posts, as it appears that 2am is prime blogging time in my stupid world. Oh well. I could have worse vices at 2am. Or indeed at any time.

Few fun things to report. Well, one really, and one I can’t talk about yet until I know a bit more. First up, I’m going to be writing for an upcoming retro-gaming site called B4HD, which specialises in games from the pre-HD era. (B4 HD. Geddit?) It was brought to my attention by the lovely and talented Jennifer Allen, who is also partaking in this One A Day nonsense (one of the few people who are still left) and also happens to be the deputy editor of the site. So thanks, Jen, for pointing it out. It’s right up my alley. Now I just need to write something ready for its launch.

I also have several potential freelancing irons in the fire, so we’ll have to wait and see if those come to anything. I’m being more proactive about it now, though, and badgering people I haven’t heard from for a while. It’s not really in my nature to act like that, but I’m learning. Assertiveness and all that. Plus journalism can be pretty cut-throat, so I better toughen up, right?

For the remainder of this post, I think I may just be lazy and list my current Pile of Shame – in this case, games I haven’t finished – since it was Jen’s post I linked to that inspired this one. So here goes. Starred games indicate games that I have at least started and played a reasonably significant amount of in the past. Non-starred ones have either not been played at all or very little. Some of these I will probably never get around to ever. But they’re still there, mocking me.


  • Final Fantasy V
  • Final Fantasy VI


  • Final Fantasy XII*
  • ICO
  • Metal Gear Solid 3
  • Resident Evil 4
  • killer7
  • Persona 3 FES*
  • Odin Sphere
  • Project Zero/Fatal Frame*
  • Psi-Ops
  • Shadow of the Colossus*


  • Resident Evil Zero*
  • Resident Evil Remake

Xbox 360/XBLA

  • Borderlands*
  • Numerous titles in the Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection (particularly the Phantasy Star series, Story of Thor, Shining Force II and Shining in the Darkness)
  • Alien Hominid*
  • Braid*
  • Castle Crashers*
  • Forza 3*
  • Lode Runner*
  • Perfect Dark*
  • Puzzle Quest*
  • Shadow Complex*
  • Splosion Man*


  • Matt Hazard: Blood, Bath and Beyond
  • Final Fantasy XIII*
  • Disgaea 3
  • Shatter’s last two Trophies
  • Uncharted 2 multiplayer
  • Building a level in LittleBigPlanet

PC – god-damn Steam sale in early January saw to this one.

  • King’s Bounty
  • King’s Bounty: Armored Princess
  • Mount & Blade
  • Uplink*
  • Jade Empire
  • KOTOR as Dark Side
  • Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark
  • Neverwinter Nights 2
  • Baldur’s Gate 2*
  • Baldur’s Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal
  • Icewind Dale
  • Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter
  • Morrowind* (played EXTENSIVELY, never got anywhere NEAR finishing)
  • Homeworld 2
  • Dungeon Siege 2
  • The entire Myst series
  • Gabriel Knight 3*
  • The Police Quest series
  • King’s Quest IV
  • The Witcher*
  • Freelancer*
  • Startopia*
  • Ghost Master
  • Martian Memorandum/Mean Streets
  • Realms of Arkania
  • Relams of Arkania 2
  • No-One Lives Forever 2
  • Unreal Tournament 3

Yeah, that’s right. Kicking it old-school with some of those PC games. It’s actually quite fortunate I have little-to-no money coming in right now as I clearly have a backlog to last me until the end of time. Couple that with the fact that I’m in a World of Warcraft phase right now (halfway to level 75 with my best character now) and there’s clearly plenty to be getting on with. So a big middle finger to all the triple-A games that have come out since Assassin’s Creed 2.

Of course, when Blur and Split/Second come out soon, this will all go to pot. Still, never mind.

One A Day, Day 40: Caught Up

There you go, told you I’d catch up.

On the way home today, filled with stress at our impending school inspection (which has been confirmed for next Tuesday… a genuine case of See You Next… you know.) I got to thinking. Dangerous pastime, I know. I was thinking about what I’m going to do next once this job’s over and done with. Given that I haven’t got myself a new position yet, I was thinking about alternatives.

My music teaching site, which I set up some time ago, has brought in a slow but steady trickle of enquiries for people looking for tuition. I haven’t been able to take any of these people on due to the stupidly long (and traffic-heavy) commute I have to do on a daily basis, but once I don’t have to do that, there’s definitely the possibility of being able to get a bunch of pupils for some regular income each week.

Then, on the side, I’d like to do some more freelance writing. I gave some editors a poke a while back, and will be poking them again shortly to try and get some work. Once that “starts” and I prove myself some more, that can be a semi-regular income stream, too.

Then, on the other side, I was thinking about setting up a site for computer tuition, too. I’m sure there’s a market for it – particularly if I’d be willing to do home visits. There are all sorts of people around at varying degrees of ability with their computer – my time with Apple showed me as much – so I wonder how many of them would be willing to pay for personalised, one-on-one tuition in their home.

Between these things, I’m wondering if that will bring together enough scratch to survive each month. I guess the only question is 1) how long it will take to get enough music and/or computer pupils to make it worthwhile and 2) whether these will all be “regular” income. Freelance writing is, certainly to begin with anyway, not known for its reliability as an income stream – at least until you get “noticed” a bit more – but it is something I love doing. And I’d enjoy the other things.

The biggest perk of doing this would be not having to answer to anyone. All my past jobs have ended up with me getting pissed off with some aspect of the incompetency of the people who are supposed to be “managing” me. (To be fair, I’ve had rotten luck with regard to management.) Doing this sort of thing would mean I’d only be responsible for myself which is, I won’t lie, an appealing option.

It’s a scary prospect, though. Ditching the idea of “structured” employment and taking control is both appealing and terrifying. I definitely want to give it some thought, though, and if ever there was a time to save in a new slot, this would be it.