#oneaday, Day 340: Blogrollin’, Like They Do In Canada

I was going to write this post yesterday but then I got all wrapped up in the whole next-year thing, which you should read about if you’re interested. It’s the entry before this one. Which means it’s after this one on the page. Which… oh, be quiet.

Anyway. To the point. I reorganised my blogroll yesterday. No, that doesn’t mean I hung the toilet paper with the sheets hanging down the other way to normal, it means I sorted out the links in the sidebar. I nuked the lot and started again, because there were a bunch of defunct places that some people hadn’t updated for ages and a few sites that just didn’t exist any more.

Then I put out the call on Twitter for anyone who wanted to be included. I figured it’d be a good opportunity for me to have a chance to check out some other people’s work, too. When you’re writing a blog for yourself (particularly if it’s a daily one) it’s very easy to focus entirely on your own work and never pay any attention to what anyone else is writing. So, let’s rectify that right now, shall we? Here’s a bunch of the links I added yesterday and what they’re all about.

First up, the fellow #oneaday survivors, who are well on their way to finishing their first year on the “job”. You should check out all of ’em, since they’ve all got a veritable plethora of content for you to read and enjoy now. Like this dusty little corner of the Internet, all their blogs have evolved and changed over time, and hopefully they’ve all got something out of the experience, whether or not they intend on joining us next year.

So, in no particular order, then:

  • Game Design Scrapbook—Krystian Majewski’s account of the trials and tribulations of developing an actual proper game that you’ll be able to actually play and everything.
  • Halycopter—The daily blog of Jen Allen, editor of the slick and awesome Resolution Magazine, featuring candid thoughts on all manner of subjects.
  • Mat Murray—The man with the fastest Retweet finger in the West. He got married a short while ago and also takes nice photographs.
  • Mr. Writer—The #oneaday blog of Ian Richardson, veteran of Staffordshire (we salute you), motorsports enthusiast and aspiring journalist.
  • The Mirrorball—Daily blog of Mike Grant, Bristol-based writer and novelist.
  • Worthless Prattle Makes the World Go Round—Play Magazine’s Ian Dransfield sets the world to rights with a variety of amusing posts and a classic Gran Turismo 5 tutorial video.

Next up, here’s some of my friends, many of whom are members of the Squadron of Shame.

  • 4X.Scope—Alex “Unmannedpylondronecommandsomethinglikethat” Connolly’s blog, which hasn’t been updated for a while but since he and his wife have been busy having a kid, I think we can excuse. Alex writes detailed, in-depth commentary on a variety of interesting games that you probably haven’t heard of, and also draws rather well.
  • Alternate Course—Chris “RocGaude” Whittington’s site, which he promises will provide a veritable cornucopia of audio-visual-textual entertainment in the coming year. Oh yes indeedy.
  • Cerebral Pop—As the name implies, this is a site that covers the more cerebral side of pop culture, run by a wide variety of delicious-smelling gentlemen, many of whom also frequent Bitmob (which I think I’ve been capitalising incorrectly for time immemorial).
  • First Time Flowing—Andre Monserrat’s blog, deserving special mention for buying me a copy of Baldur’s Gate today along with being a formidable opponent at Carcassonne.
  • Nice Guy Gamer—Cody Winn is the nicest person on the Internet. He likes video games, knit caps and kittens and writes about them here. Pay him a visit.
  • Press The Buttons—Matt Green is another ex-Kombo refugee and runs this gaming site with podcasting contributions from the sexygorgeous Brad Hilderbrand and Joey Davidson. Check in for some well-written commentary on games and the industry.
  • Rhymes With Chaos—Jesse Bowline’s blog covers all manner of arty, musicy, gamey, geeky thoughts and opinions and is well worth your time. But what rhymes with “Chaos”?
  • Starfuckers, Inc.—The online home of Ashton Raze, formidable writer-about-games, man-about-town, hat-wearer, champion of DEADLY PREMONITION‘s cause and starfucker.
  • We Clock—Ian Scott appeared in my Facebook friend requests one day with a mutual friend, so I added him. His blog covers a variety of topics, from general geekery to eye-opening slice-of-life stuff. He’s also an active member of the GOG.com and Reddit communities, so is a fountain of information on old games and Internet memes.

If I missed you, it’s ’cause you didn’t get back to me on Twitter. I know there’s a couple of you out there but you’re escaping me right now. Give me a poke in the comments and I will add your links to my sidebar (and this post) post-haste!

For now, enjoy all the hot and spicy content these fine folks have conjured up for you and I’ll see you tomorrow.