2025: Building Character

So, since I “rebranded” this place on day 2000, you’ve probably (maybe, possibly not) been wondering who on Earth the people who appear in the images of questionable quality that appear at the top of each post are. So today I’m going to explain who they are and not at all make up backstories and personalities for them on the fly. No sir,

(Layout of this post might look a bit weird if you’re not viewing the site at its full width. I apologise.)

pete_001This is me. You all know me. You may wonder why I am never facing the “camera” and the reason absolutely, positively is not that Manga Maker ComiPo! doesn’t have any “beard” attachments for character faces. Rather, it is simply to maintain an air of mystery about my person and to reflect the fact that I am someone who tends to enjoy watching things unfold rather than necessarily taking an active part in them — at least when it comes to things like social situations and the like.

My choice of appearance is due to the fact that I quite like wearing suits (although damn, they are hot and unpleasant to wear in the summer) and I have messy hair and glasses. I’m somewhat larger than this depiction, but I’m on the way to a slimmer, leaner self thanks to Slimming World.

midori_001This is Midori. She’s named after my Japanese evening class teacher from a while back; while I’m not taking those classes any more, Midori inspired me and encouraged me and made me believe that one day I might actually be able to understand the Japanese language. I’m not quite there yet, but I’m on the way.

Midori is 16 years old, and an energetic, enthusiastic, sociable girl, albeit one who isn’t the sharpest tool in the box. She makes up for her overwhelming lack of common sense with the amount of passion she exhibits when throwing herself into an activity — any activity. She reflects the part of me that enjoys enthusing about things with people who share my hobbies and interests, and the part of me that wishes it could just “let go” a bit and be a little less up-tight and highly-strung at times.

yumi_001This is Yumi. I originally created her to effectively be the “opposite” of Midori in almost every way besides gender, but she started to develop a bit of her own personality in her own right as a natural result of this process.

Trope-wise, I’d describe her as a combination of kuudere and tsundere tropes; she’s quiet and softly spoken, yet prone to impatience at times and doesn’t suffer fools gladly. Despite this, she’s been best friends with Midori since childhood, and tolerates her friend’s quirks because she secretly finds dealing with her more fun than she’d ever let on in her own right.

Yumi represents the part of me that is concerned with doing things that are “right” and “respectable”, and the part that sometimes just wants to get on with life without anyone else interfering.

luther_001This is Luther. He’s just a prick. Also I apparently forgot to give him any shoes when I created him, so that just makes him even more of a prick.

Luther doesn’t represent any part of me in particular (except, perhaps, the part that can be a prick) and instead largely exists as a character that can be on the receiving end of various unpleasant happenings because I feel bad making bad things happen to Midori and Yumi. (Although I did run over Midori with a spaceship in yesterday’s post, so…)

He was originally created so “I” had someone to punch in the face for the post I wrote about arcade games a while back. He was subsequently also kicked in the bollocks by Midori in my post about Heroes of the Storm a couple of days later.

There you go, then. I hope that was enlightening, or at least fun. Now it’s time for bed for me!

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