1678: Old Man of the Forest

Been a little while since a Final Fantasy XIV post, so here’s one for your delectation: I was fortunate enough to be around for our Free Company’s first clear of the Extreme difficulty version of the Ramuh boss fight this evening. I’m thrilled about this; I’ve never been present for a first kill before, and it’s an enormously satisfying moment, knowing that 1) you’ve been part of the culmination of a group of people’s efforts, and 2) your own skills and abilities are up to the task of taking on some of the game’s most challenging content.

I’m glad. One issue with MMO endgame play is that after a while, you’re so well-geared that a lot of the challenges you’d normally take on become quite easy, and progressing becomes a matter of doing things almost by rote: you know that in this dungeon, you can afford to pull this many enemies before having to stop and fight them; than in this boss fight you need to stand here at this moment in order to make sure you don’t die. I don’t mind this aspect of play at all, as it happens — I actually rather like the heavily “choreographed” nature of many of the endgame encounters, as it’s really quite an awesome sight to see eight people moving as one to dodge incoming attacks and position themselves appropriately to deal as much damage as possible as quickly as possible. But the fact remains: a lot of stuff is quite easy.

Which is why I was keen to challenge myself with the Extreme difficulty boss fights — particularly those against Good King Moggle Mog XII, Leviathan and Ramuh, all of which I was yet to clear. I gave myself a double challenge for the first two by tanking them as a Paladin rather than going as my main class Black Mage; it was a lot of fun, and helped me gain some confidence in what goes on when you’re tanking an eight-player encounter. For Ramuh, however, everyone needed to be on top of their game, and as such I was back in my lovely dark blue yukata — my current Black Mage outfit — to take on the old, somewhat electrifying presence of Ramuh.

I’d held off taking on the Extreme primal fights because the initial three against Garuda, Titan and Ifrit were all very difficult — unsurprising, given the Extreme moniker, of course, but I found them rather stressful rather than just challenging. Moogle, Leviathan and Ramuh were all a different matter, however; these were just plain fun fights in which yes, you needed to know and understand all the mechanics well in order to succeed, but they were enjoyable in that everyone had something interesting and useful to do; no-one was stuck just standing around flinging damage or “tanking and spanking”.

It was also a great opportunity for bonding with the Free Company members. It’s always nice to have the opportunity to do things together with other people, and as we’ve all been progressing at slightly different paces and discovering the things that we each enjoy doing, it can sometimes feel like those occasions are rare. Tonight was a great example of people pulling together for a common goal, though; we’d decided that we were going to beat Ramuh, and by gosh we sure did at that.

Now it is after 4:30 in the morning and I should probably get some sleep. I anticipate dreams filled with an old, bearded, lightning-flinging man.

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