#oneaday Day 56: Disconnect

I’m officially on holiday for a week! I don’t have anything much planned for the time off, aside from our trip on Thursday to go and look at pianos, but I’m going to try and be vaguely “productive” with my time. That means I’m going to try and force myself out in this heat and into the gym — once I’m in the air conditioning, I’m sure it’ll be fine — and I’m going to record some videos, and perhaps write some stuff.

One thing I’m going to try and make an effort to do is not look at “online” stuff as much as humanly possible. I’m not going to look at Twitter (easy, since I don’t have an account any more except the official one I use for work), I’m not going to look at Facebook (ditto), I’m not going to look at BlueSky (easy enough) and I’m probably going to try and ration my Discord usage as much as possible also.

I just don’t want to know, you see. I don’t want or need to know what people are arguing about today, or what the worst people on the Internet are being sexist, racist or transphobic about today. I don’t want to know about the seemingly endless parade of layoffs in the games industry. And I don’t want to know how shit online media in general is. I know all these things. They are not going to change.

Instead, I would like a nice, quiet week off, away from it all as much as possible. This will demand a certain amount of willpower, of course, but I’m confident I can find enough things to occupy myself with that I won’t need to idly flip through social-related apps on my phone. I have games to play, books to read, episodes of Deep Space Nine to watch, music to play, videos to make and all manner of other things. So why should I waste my time with stuff that, on balance, makes me miserable?

I shouldn’t, obviously. So that’s the plan. Minimise looking at anything potentially upsetting, frustrating or annoying online and just enjoy the things I have around me. I will, of course, still be checking in here and those videos I’m making will be up on YouTube, but aside from that… a bit of “digital detox” is just what the doctor ordered for a week. I hope it leaves me feeling refreshed, because heaven knows I feel run-down right now.

Time for the first sleep of the holiday, then. Bring on the aircon!

Want to read my thoughts on various video games, visual novels and other popular culture things? Stop by MoeGamer.net, my site for all things fun where I am generally a lot more cheerful. And if you fancy watching some vids on classic games, drop by my YouTube channel.

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