#oneaday Day 103: A solution?

Following yesterday’s ponderings, something blindingly obvious occurred to me earlier: there’s quite a simple solution to what I was contemplating, and that is to actually finally start doing some streaming.

I’ve tried streaming a couple of times and not had a terrible time doing it, but I fell off from doing it because I didn’t really set aside a specific time to do it and haven’t (yet) put in the work to try and get any sort of “community” going. To be honest, it’s that “work” part that kind of puts me off a bit; one of the nice things about YouTube is that I’ve been able to just sort of do it slowly and gradually build up an audience naturally without having to faff about promoting myself or whatnot.

Twitch is a platform that is still quite alien to me. There’s a lot I don’t like about it. It’s noisy and filled with distracting features that don’t play nice with my autistic brain. I feel certain portions of the Twitch audience have unreasonable expectations of what a streamer can be expected to do to keep them “entertained”. And I’ve seen far, far too many people burn themselves out because they “needed” to get Partner, or Affiliate, or whatever their monetisation program is called.

But at the same time, I kind of like the idea of having a platform where I might be able to make some new friends, chatting about the stuff I love. If I do decide to kick off some streaming, I’ll almost certainly keep it retro-focused — at least partly because in my study, which is the place that is really “set up” for streaming, I don’t have either a gaming PC or a current-gen console — but I think there’s plenty of potential to cover things there, between Evercade, the various mini systems I have (Atari 8-bit, Amiga, C64 and, later this year, Spectrum) and, of course, the gigantic Launchbox library I have on a 5TB hard drive.

It’s kind of a scary prospect, though. Even more so than YouTube, Twitch is “putting yourself out there” and inviting comment from any old random who happens to stop by. I should probably comfort myself with the fact that the kind of people I wouldn’t want to engage with probably wouldn’t be watching retro gaming streams, anyway — but it’s still somewhat nerve-wracking.

Perhaps I’ll give it a go this weekend as a sort of trial run. My wife is going into town with a friend for a bit, so maybe I’ll take the opportunity to try some bits and pieces out back then. If you’d like to stop by, here’s my Twitch page. No promises, but I have mentally “pencilled this in” for this Saturday, and we’ll see how it goes.

Want to read my thoughts on various video games, visual novels and other popular culture things? Stop by MoeGamer.net, my site for all things fun where I am generally a lot more cheerful. And if you fancy watching some vids on classic games, drop by my YouTube channel.

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