#oneaday Day 76: Nopegrade

I’m due a phone upgrade. This is probably the first time I’ve come to that point and haven’t been tempted to immediately get a new shiny phone. And the reason? So many of the latest models appear to be absolutely rammed to the gills with “AI” features I don’t want anything to do with.

And it’s a shame, because some of these phones do otherwise look good. The Google Pixel 9 looks like it has an excellent camera, for example, and that’s pretty high up my list of priorities these days. The newest Samsung devices also look quite nice, and having had a Samsung device for my last couple of phones, I’d be quite happy to go with them.

If it wasn’t for the bloody AI crap, that is. I know I could just “not use it”, but that’s not really the point. I don’t really want to send any sort of message that AI junk is something that I’m interested in in the slightest, and my concern is people happily jumping on with Google Pixel 9 and “just trying out” Gemini will just prolong the amount of time we all have to suffer with AI garbage being jammed into places we don’t want it.

I’m sure there are some “valid” uses for AI, but honestly, I don’t really see the usefulness right now. Earlier on, I watched a Marques Brownlee review of the Google Pixel 9, and everything that was “AI-powered” seemed very superfluous and unnecessary. An on-phone image generator? Cool, now I can steal artwork wherever I am in the world! An assistant I can talk to about what I should do about a wasp infestation? I’d rather talk to a real person that doesn’t hallucinate, thanks. The ability to turn on my lights with my voice? 1) I can already do that with several other devices and 2) I don’t want to do that. The ability to insert myself into a photo I wasn’t in? Cool, now I can create “memories” of things that didn’t actually happen. I’m sure that’s healthy.

It’s the voice stuff that really gets me. I genuinely do not understand how any of that is desirable. How is getting an Amazon Alexa, Google Gemini or whatever to read out your email headers better than tapping on the email icon and looking at them? How is getting a device to give you a “daily briefing” better than just doing a quick round of your favourite websites to check on the headlines? How is bellowing “SET A TIMER FOR THREE MINUTES… no, THREE minutes. THREE. MINUTES.” better than going to the clock app and typing the number “3”?

It isn’t. These things are all gimmicks. They’re not actually useful. The grand dream is presumably some sort of omniscient, omnipresent Star Trek-style capital-C Computer that we can call upon to dispense its knowledge and information wherever we are at any time of day. But we’re not there yet. We’re not even close to being there yet, with how unreliable and hallucination-prone modern AI still is. And if reports are to be believed, we’ve already pretty much hit a cap on how good the current “AI” tech can get, because the various models are already starting to feed on themselves, making hallucinations more likely, not less likely, as they inadvertently guzzle up AI-generated swill rather than material that has had a human involved at any point during its creation.

And it disgusts me to see how many publishing companies are gleefully signing up to feed their writers’ work into ChatGPT, almost certainly without consulting the actual writers for their consent beforehand. Today it was Condé Nast. Previously it was Vox Media. And I’m sure there’s a lot more all over the place, too.

I cannot wait for this odious trend to be over. And I suspect it will be over within a few years, as the money is almost certainly going to run out. None of these models are sustainable; none of them have a “killer app” that convinces naysayers that actually, AI might be quite good after all; none of them even really have a marketable product beyond “look at this thing that might one day be able to do something vaguely useful (but doesn’t just yet)”.

The sooner that fucking sparkly magic icon goes away, the better.

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