2144: Link’s Awakening


Closing in on the end of The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, and I’ve really enjoyed it — quite possibly more than A Link to the Past, which was previously one of my favourite Zelda games alongside Majora’s Mask.

I haven’t quite finished it yet so I’m not sure of the complete “truth” behind everything, but I’ll comment on what I have seen so far, which is up to about halfway through the eighth dungeon, Turtle Rock.

One of the things I like a lot about Link’s Awakening is its strange blend of melancholy and silly humour. This is something that Nintendo has been quite good at with the Zelda series in particular, but it’s particularly pronounced in Link’s Awakening. The frequent suggestion that everything that is going on is a dream of the “Wind Fish” — and whether or not this is the case is yet to be revealed to me, so no spoilers, please! — allows the game to throw in peculiar and unconventional things along the way, as well as cameos from numerous other Nintendo characters.

Pleasingly, these cameos don’t feel overly forced and, in most cases, aren’t shoehorned in — they’re just there. For example, there are characters who look like Mario and Luigi, but they’re never referred to as such. There’s a Yoshi doll in one of the shops that kicks off one of the major sidequests in the game. Mr Write from the SNES version of SimCity is there, indulging in a romantic, long-distance letter-writing relationship with a young goat-woman, who is misrepresenting herself using a photograph of Princess Peach. Goombas show up in several dungeons as enemies, as does a monsters that looks and acts remarkably like Kirby. The list goes on.

Another thing I like is how the game blends elements of the original Legend of Zelda and A Link to the Past. There’s the stronger sense of narrative from the latter coupled with the challenging but satisfying exploration of the former. Dungeons incorporate the side-view “cellars” from the original Legend of Zelda, but in a more fleshed-out manner — rather than simply being somewhere that you either get an item or find a route to another part of the dungeon, these cellars are often mini platforming challenges in their own right that make use of the “Roc Feather” item that allows Link to jump manually for, so far as I can remember, the only time in the series.

The dungeons are beautifully designed, too. While their layout is simpler than their counterparts in A Link to the Past, being single-screen rooms rather than larger, scrolling rooms, navigating them is a pleasure, and very often the game rewards experimentation with its mechanics, and even demands it in places. This is not a game that holds your hand in the slightest, which I appreciate, but I also very much appreciate that the game does have the facility for you to get a hint or two to nudge you in the right direction if you’re really struggling.

For me, the only slightly underwhelming part has been the bosses, which, although decent enough, don’t seem to be quite as interesting and challenging as those seen in some other Zelda games, and several of them are reused once or twice in later dungeons. At least they’re better than the ones from the original Legend of Zelda, mind, and there are a few interesting mechanics to play with on some of them. I also like the use of “mid-bosses” in dungeons as well as the big bosses at the end; I’m a fan of boss fights in general, so getting more than one per dungeon is something I enjoy.

Anyway. I’m hoping I finally beat the game this evening, because when I get home from holiday, it’s going to be Xenoblade Chronicles X time for the foreseeable future, and I’d just feel bad if I got this far in Link’s Awakening and didn’t see it all through until the end!

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