#oneaday Day 878: I’d Tap That for £70 of In-App Purchases


Despite my day job, which is reviewing mobile and social games for the fine folks over at Inside Network, I have to confess that the reason some of these games end up being quite so popular eludes me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m trained to spot a free-to-play game that’s going to be profitable a mile off… I just can’t pin down the reason as to why some of these games resonate with people so much. And no-one seems to want to tell me, either.

(Naturally it probably goes without saying that these are my personal, not professional views. But I’ll say it anyway. Oh, I already did.)

Let’s take a title called Rage of Bahamut as a case study. Rage of Bahamut is a game for iOS and Android devices. Ostensibly it’s a “card battling” game in which you collect (virtual) cards a la Magic: The Gathering and then use said cards to do battle, either against other people or “boss” monsters. There’s also a large number of “quests” that you can take one of the characters represented on your cards on, the ability to organise players into “Orders” and cooperate, trade cards, help each other out on difficult fights and all manner of other stuff.

Sounds pretty good, right? Well, it’s not. The game features one of the most dreadful user interfaces I’ve ever seen, with most of the game looking like a Web page from the early ’90s, albeit without animated “Under Construction” GIF files. The “quest” feature consists entirely of tapping a button, watching a short animation of a monster dying and observing your stamina bar gradually decrease as your experience and “quest progress” bars increase. Battling another player involves selecting your cards in advance, pressing “Battle” and then doing absolutely nothing. Battling a boss involves selecting your cards in advance, pressing “Battle” and then doing absolutely nothing. Oh, and there’s no sound, either. It wasn’t deemed necessary, it seems. The game’s sole slightly redeeming feature is that the anime-style artwork for the cards is quite nice, but that certainly doesn’t make it any fun to play. At all. Go on, try it. (Android users, go here.)

Despite this crippling lack of entertainment value, somehow the game is presently the third top grossing game on the iPhone — and it has been at the top of that chart in the last few days, too. It’s free to download, meaning that people are enjoying this hateful, monotonous, tedious pile of steaming un-fun crap enough to want to voluntarily hand over money.


It’s not the only game of this type which has enjoyed success, it’s just the most recent. Various studies by research companies indicate that the majority of profitable apps on the various app stores of the Internet include in-app purchases in one form or another — and many of these titles are of the free-to-play variety. I have nothing against free-to-play as a concept or business model, but I do question the taste of some people when something as unbelievably lacking in virtue as Rage of Bahamut proves itself to be more profitable than lovingly-crafted paid apps which developers have poured large quantities of time and money into. This depressing tale from Joystiq springs to mind.

I can’t help but feel that the press is partly to blame in all this. Titles like Rage of Bahamut often get great reviews from the press despite their lack of innovation, gameplay, interface design or anything even resembling entertainment, when in fact they should be summarily panned for providing an experience akin to scrolling through an Excel spreadsheet equipped with a macro that requires you to click “OK” every ten seconds.

But then I guess I’ve never seen the appeal of football management games, either…

(Incidentally, if you’re looking for a card-battling game that’s actually good, try Gamevil’s Duel of Fate, Hothead’s Kard Combat or Kyle Poole’s Shadow Era.)

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