#oneaday, Day 299: The Internet Hits Me… But It Loves Me

The Internet is, as I’ve said a number of times on this blog, a fabulous invention. I certainly wouldn’t be without it and the friends I’ve found because of it, the things I’ve learned from it, and all manner of other good stuff.

Paul Chambers, he of the #TwitterJokeTrial, certainly wouldn’t be without it either. Because today has been a pretty remarkable demonstration of solidarity and support for him, with huge proportions of Twitter reposting his original “menacing” tweet in full, coupled with the hashtag “#IAmSpartacus”. The story even made The Guardian earlier. The principle behind the thing, if you haven’t worked it out for yourself anyway, is that if everyone was posting the exact same thing that Chambers posted and was not, in fact, getting arrested for it, then clearly his conviction and the failure of his appeal is utter nonsense.

And so far, there have been no reports of anyone getting a friendly knock on the door from their local bobby. Which is good.

It was actually quite heartwarming to see Twitter—a community of, essentially, strangers—coming together to show an enormous amount of unified support for someone who is still technically a stranger to most of us. The vast majority of people posting the #IAmSpartacus tweets don’t know Chambers personally. But they understand what his plight represents—a pretty serious threat to not only free speech, but the British sense of humour as well. Whatever will be the eventual conclusion to the whole fiasco is still shrouded in mystery. But in the meantime, Chambers is doubtless sleeping a little easier at night knowing that to many people, he’s a hero of sorts.

So that’s all very nice, and one of many examples of how The Internet is clearly a Force for Good. (Of course, some might, at this stage, point out that if there was no Internet Chambers wouldn’t have got into this situation in the first place, but let’s just leave that argument to one side for a moment, shall we?)

And then we get this:


Good old 4Chan, cesspool of the Internet, originator of some of the funniest and/or most irritating (depending on your outlook) memes to do the rounds on the Web. There they are, genuinely proposing to flood Tumblr with gore, porn, child pornography and “the worst [they] can offer”, which probably means “all of the above”.

Now granted, Tumblr is a bit of a hipster hangout that is full of people who do nothing but post pretentious photographs, “inspirational” quotes and tame pornography. But there are also plenty of people out there who use it as their blogging platform of choice. With good reason—it’s a simple system for sharing text, photos, video and audio that is mobile-friendly. There’s no extraneous features or plugins to worry about, it’s just type, post, go. Couple that with the built-in community features and, to some, it’s like an extended Twitter with no character limits. Not just for hipsters, see.

Whether 4Chan will actually go through with their threat or not is kind of beside the point. The fact that the possibility of such a campaign was even considered is the thing which makes me want to invest in an expansive hammer collection. According to Urlesque, earlier today there wasn’t a huge amount of traction for the plan. Which is kind of encouraging, I guess, but it still sucks that there are a bunch of a-holes out there who feel the need to wave their e-peen around at every opportunity.

Whoever came up with the campaign seems genuinely affronted that Tumblr, as a community, is trying to “imitate” 4Chan. Now, there are many things to aspire to in life. But to aspire to being 4Chan is not something that most people would say with pride. And it’s pretty likely that a considerable proportion of Tumblr’s users aren’t even aware of what 4Chan is in the first place. So the particular “Anonymous” who has his (you know it’s a “he”, and likely a “he” who has never known the touch of a woman/man, depending on preference) panties in a bunch over Tumblr’s “imitation” of 4Chan is clearly just looking for an excuse to wipe his dick on everybody’s curtains.

Still, as ever, it comes back to the Greater Internet Dickwad Theory, which I’ve posted links to on this blog more times than I care to remember. I guess once more can’t hurt.

Basically, Internet, you’re capable of showing the very best and/or worst the human race has to offer at a moment’s notice. So it should hopefully go without saying by now that the words you should live your life by are very simple: always follow Wheaton’s Law.

Don’t be a dick.

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