#oneaday, Day 98: Have You Heard…

It’s always a pleasure to find something entertaining and new to enjoy. A little while back, I discovered Kevin Smith‘s podcast, or SModcast as he calls it. I’d been following Smith on Twitter for some time. He tweets a lot, and the fact that he makes all his replies public irritates some people, but I’ve always found him extremely entertaining. He’s not afraid to speak his mind, at least, not on the Internet, as he claims he’d be a “pussy” in real life. I can identify with that. I speak my mind on the Internet too, but I sometimes find it difficult to do so face-to-face.

His podcast is such an entertaining listen because it has almost nothing in the way of structure. It’s a simple case of him and at least one other person sitting down and chewing the fat (no pun intended) about something or other, usually something that’s happened that week either in the news, or to the people involved personally. The talk is always spattered with absolute filth (even more so since his sponsorship deal with male sex toy maker Fleshlight) but it never seems to degenerate into total nonsense, despite Smith’s love of sparking up a doobie in mid-recording. There’s always a point, however much they may get off it throughout the course of their discussions.

The thing I love the most about the SModcast, though, is that it’s like sitting down with Smith and Mosier (or whoever is sitting in for him) and enjoying a thoroughly silly chat with them. You know, the sort of chats you have with your friends late at night when the drinks have been flowing and the “party” atmosphere has died down a bit. The kind of conversation that usually starts with “You know, I found out the weirdest thing today…” and generally meanders throughout diverse topics, including complete nonsense, without really settling anywhere for some time. The kind of conversation that easily falls into fits of the giggles. And Smith often gets the giggles, big time. I think I enjoy his giggle fits more because his laugh reminds me a lot of an old friend from school that I unfortunately haven’t seen for a long time now.

SModcast breaks every rule about what should be a “good” podcast, except for the “you should be regular” one. Smith and his team make sure there’s something for fans to listen to regularly. Each one may be completely different in terms of subject matter (but it’s a fair bet that there will be at least some mention of jerking off or anal sex in there) but they’re always entertaining. And they’re not always filthy, too. A couple of episodes a month or two back involved Smith talking to his mother and reminiscing about the “good old days”. Smith isn’t afraid to be a pottymouth in front of his mother, but the stories they told, despite their relative mundanity, were extremely compelling and interesting. Smith is nothing if not a good storyteller.

So if you want something interesting to listen to in the car or at the gym and don’t mind a bit of filth creeping in here and there (yeah… it’s totally not for kids) then you could certainly do far worse than show a fat man some support. Head over to SModcast.com and have a listen.

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