One A Day, Day 35: Eve of the War

Don’t know what happened with yesterday’s post – I definitely wrote the whole thing, but for some inexplicable reason, half of it disappeared. Oh well. Can’t go back now.

Well, here it is – the end of my week-long vacation, which has gone by far too quickly for my liking. I feel suitably rested – or I did, at least. Right now? I don’t feel very good about tomorrow. I have a 40 mile drive followed by 8 hours of being somewhere I don’t want to be with people I don’t want to be with, followed by another 40 mile drive back. But at least there are only four weeks to go. Four weeks! I can manage that, right? Of course I can.

It’s the other obstacles that are in my way that are stressing me out more, to be honest. The daily grind I can just about deal with, by simply telling myself “It doesn’t matter” (in the style of The Rock) repeatedly, over and over again. The things I’m not looking forward to are the two-day Parents Evening (yes, you read that correctly – a two-day Parents Evening), where I will inevitably be stuck 40 miles from home until late at night; the inevitable re-inspection of the school (which, knowing it doesn’t matter, I don’t really care about the result of but still don’t want to have to put up with the stupidity of); and finding a new job.

I don’t have a new job yet. I have applied to several. I haven’t heard anything back from any of them yet, but going on past experiences of applying for jobs, HR departments are extremely slow. I haven’t given up hope yet, and the Universe may well surprise me by throwing something I actually want to do for a good amount of money my way. Until then, though, the uncertainty is the killer. If I had the security of knowing that I had a new job to go to – to look forward to – after the end of this particular nightmare, I’d feel a lot better about my remaining time.

Still, can’t be helped. All I can do is just keep applying for things and eventually someone will appreciate me. Right? Right. Of course.

On a lighter note, we recorded the SquadCast for Machinarium tonight – an adorable little indie point-and-click adventure featuring robots and no language. My current tentative plan is to edit that next weekend, so keep an eye out for that one. Also watch this space for more exciting Squadron of Shame podcast news.

See, I like doing that stuff. The annoying thing is no-one wants to pay me for it!

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2 thoughts on “One A Day, Day 35: Eve of the War

  1. If you could find a way to make scratch doing the Squad; I’d pay into that. You guys do an upstanding job, so much so that it’s scared me off of attempting my own podcast.

    As for the job thing, I have this uncle in South Africa…

    No, I’m just kidding. Sorry, I know the e-mail scheme joke is played out; but it’s the first thing that came to mind when I read your post.

    1. Hah! If only it were that easy. Maybe I should become a Nigerian prince. After seeing how dumb some kids are in Kongregate chat last night (Sample exchange in public chat: “my runescape got hacked… can i use ur password?” “sure… it’s [password]” /facepalm) I’m sure it can’t be THAT difficult to scam stupid people out of money they’re too dumb to have anyway…

      I jest of course. Mostly.

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