#oneaday Day 799: Um, Fluttershy


A discussion with my friend Lynette earlier today (who, it has to be said, squeed rather enthusiastically at the news that I have been watching My Little Pony) saw us pondering, as so often happens with strong, character-led pieces of work, which My Little Pony was the most “us” — or at least the one we felt most able to relate to.

My answer — Fluttershy — is apparently one of the more popular ones, for a variety of reasons that I haven’t explored as yet and am mildly terrified to, given the deep, deep rabbithole that sites such as knowyourmeme and TVTropes can be.

I imagine, given her timid nature, that there’s at least an element of crossover between Fluttershy fans and Hanako fans — a category which, if you recall, I count myself firmly in. Her endearing meekness, anxiety and loyalty are character traits I can well and truly understand, and I know I have more than a few similar traits myself.

Take the fact that she has a clear case of social anxiety, and is nervous about showing off her talents except when absolutely necessary or in a situation where no-one can judge her. When taken along on a perilous journey to use her talent for “parenting” (for want of a better word) to convince an unruly, belligerent dragon to go and sleep somewhere else, she’s (understandably, I feel) too scared to go in there and do her thing, even in front of her friends. And only partly because she’s dealing with a fucking dragon.

I know too well how all that feels — of the difficulty and anxiety which surrounds using your talents and abilities in “public”, even in front of people you love and trust. (Not the “dragon” bit.) I know, for example, that I’m a decent writer and that people enjoy reading my stuff, but I hate hate hate anyone watching me write. I have absolutely no idea whatsoever why this is — whether it’s anxiety over people “backseat editing” or judging the things I’ve written before I’ve finished is anyone’s guess. I just know that I hate it — but I like showing it off when it’s finished, namely when I can hit “publish”, light the blue touch paper and just walk away. (At this point, my fear of negative, destructive feedback comes into play, but that’s a whole other matter.)

Same thing with music, really. Practicing is a necessary part of being able to play complex pieces of music, but I hate people listening to me practice. Performing? Fine. Playing the same bit over and over and over again until I get it right? Well, that’s something to do with headphones or when no-one’s in the house. Something of a combination of perfectionism (“if anyone’s going to hear this, I want it to be right“) and worrying about the judgement of others (“they won’t want to hear those three bars repeated over and over and over! They’ll tell me to shut up, or hurry up and get it right or something”), perhaps? I don’t know.

Same with doing anything vaguely creative, in fact. I hate being watched doing something like that. Perhaps it’s because doing something creative puts you in a vulnerable position where your “soul” (or whatever) is on display, and anyone could quite easily strike it for massive damage with an unkind word or an ill-timed snigger. It’s something I could really do with Getting The Hell Over, but it’s also one of those things that has indelibly stamped itself onto my personality over the years.

Whatever the reasons for it all… Um, Fluttershy? I feel your pain, girl.