#oneaday Day 796: Social Unplugged


I unplugged myself from a bunch of social networks yesterday. I haven’t deleted my accounts as yet and probably won’t do so unless said sites start spamming me excessively, but I have stopped using a number of services which were proving to be fairly unnecessary in my day to day life. All told, I said goodbye to Foursquare, Gowalla, Path, Quora, GetGlue and possibly some others that have slipped my mind. Cold turkey, too — I simply deleted the apps from my phone and didn’t tend to use their websites anyway. It was a pleasingly liberating feeling to have released myself from some of these self-imposed shackles.

So what have I chosen to keep around? Facebook and Twitter, for starters, since those are the nearest we have to “industry standard” social networking tools. Twitter’s integration into iOS 5, for example, proves that Apple is certainly willing to show its support for the microblogging site, and it’s rare these days to see a TV show that doesn’t prominently display an “official” hashtag for online discussion alongside the broadcast. Facebook, meanwhile, I largely keep around for two reasons: firstly, my job, which involves playing a large number of Facebook games; and secondly, I have a number of friends and family who don’t really “get” Twitter (or have no real desire to do so) and thus Facebook is a reliable means of communication with them.

Alongside this I have a Google+ account and am still a fan of Google’s clean, clear service. Despite superficial similarities to Facebook, it actually provides a rather distinct user experience, combining the ease of discovering new people of Twitter with the possibility for conversations of more than 140 characters at once of Facebook. A lot of people feel they don’t “need” it and indeed many of my friends who also use Twitter and Facebook have kind of relaxed their use of the service somewhat, but this has left me with a variety of unique and fascinating people with whom to engage with. Despite the hoohah over Google’s changed privacy policy a few weeks back, the Google+ integration across the Web (particularly noticeable on YouTube) is a great example of how to do the “sharing” thing right.

I also still have the Formspring app on my phone. I haven’t used it for a while, but occasionally it’s a lot of fun to ask for some bizarre questions, see what nonsensical queries people can come out with and then attempt to retort with some appropriately witty (or brutally honest) responses. It’s utterly pointless for the most part, but it’s actually a good means for flexing the writing muscles in a slightly different way to what this blog offers — rather than having to come up with a topic myself, a Formspring answer is a short piece of writing based on a stimulus provided by someone else. I enjoy doing this.

Besides those (and the WordPress app, of course, for maintaining this ‘ere site), though, I’ve come to the conclusion I have no need for anything else. I have no real need to “check in” to places I’m at, things I’m watching or books I’m reading, because it’s just as straightforward to just post on Facebook, Twitter or G+ that I’m doing those things. They were fun for a while (and GetGlue sends you actual real physical stickers if you earn enough badges on the site!) but ultimately they’re meaningless noise in an already chaotic world. So away they go. And thus my life becomes approximately 27% more peaceful.

If you’d like to follow me on Twitter, you can do so here. If you’d like to circle me on G+, you can do so here. And if you’d like to ask me silly questions on Formspring, you can do so here. That’s your lot!