#oneaday Day 688: Bananaphone

[Edit: Inadvertently only saved this as a draft yesterday instead of publishing. My apologies!]

The Internet is full of weird and wonderful things, as doubtless you well know. Most of these things are designed purely to waste time or make you laugh — or, in most cases, both.

Such is the case with the wonderful Procatinator, which has brought all sense of productivity on the Internet to a standstill over the last few days.

What is it? Well, as you might have gathered from the title, it’s a procrastination tool that features cats. Specifically, amusing cat GIF images which are presented on a loop, coupled with a strangely appropriate (and clearly carefully-selected) piece of music.

The interesting thing about it is that obviously someone has spent a fair amount of time on this. The website itself is pretty slick, and it couldn’t have been easy to collate a huge library of cat GIFs and link them to pieces of music.

Here are some highlights:

Cat number 33 features the Beastie Boys. It’s alarming quite how well this works.

Cat number 34 features the Bananaphone song, which I defy you to evacuate from your head once you’ve heard it once. Particularly when you relate it to the image herein.

Cat number 14 is notable purely for the entertaining image of a cat using a sewing machine.

Cat number 6 is… just, well, see for yourself.

I’m impressed at the dedication of whoever was behind Procatinator, because they’ve taken the time to archive a huge collection of cat GIFs and then go to the trouble of putting them on a website which inspires pure joy in everyone who sees it.

I wonder if they put it on their CV?