2185: #WaifuWednesday


I don’t really have the mental capacity to write anything particularly deep or meaningful today, so here are some pictures of pretty girls.


This is Purple Sister (left) and Purple Heart (right), the HDD/goddess forms of Nepgear and Neptune from the Hyperdimension Neptunia series respectively. This is one of my favourite pieces of official artwork for the series.


This is Ikaruga from Senran Kagura, displaying an uncharacteristically exhibitionist side of herself. Normally very prim and proper, we can probably assume that she is in private while this is going on, but I also have little to no doubt that Katsuragi is hiding somewhere just out of shot.


The three Deviluke sisters from the To Love-Ru series. Lala (centre) is the original and best, but she was somewhat sidelined after the first series in favour of her two sisters Nana (left) and Momo (right).


Miia from Monster Musume, who simultaneously encapsulates the inherent sexiness and strangeness of the lamia while also fulfilling the “doting girlfriend” trope nicely. Darling!!


A pleasantly candid shot of Asuna (canonical girl) and Lisbeth (best girl) from Sword Art Online.


Nozomi from Love Live, who might be my favourite…


…although it might also be Maki.


Hanako from Katawa Shoujo definitely deserves a mention.


And we’ll close with Amane from The Fruit of Grisaia, who adorns my actual real-life wallet, and so I guess probably tops some sort of waifu leaderboard somewhere.

That’s your lot for now. Hopefully I will be feeling better tomorrow and have something a bit more substantial to share with you all. In the meantime, enjoy the pics.

#oneaday, Day 267: Go Outside!

It’s funny. I’ve never particularly thought of myself as an outdoorsman, despite growing up in the country and despite semi-regular trips from primary school and Cub Scouts (yeah, deal with it) to various campsites. This is largely to do with being a nerd, of course, because everyone knows that nerds, like vampires, tend to shun sunlight in favour of the glow of a TV or computer screen. Or sometimes candle-light and books. But books don’t glow. Unless they’re on an iPad.

Anyway,  the point I was getting at is that I appear to have spent most of the last couple of days outside. This is partly due to the Couch-to-5K running programme I’ve been following which, by its very nature, requires one to go outside to do said running. Today, though, I decided to just go out for a walk. Of course, I had the flimsy justification of putting various GPS trackers on to try and measure how far I went yesterday (3.75 miles, as it happens) but mostly it was a desire to actually go out again. The place I went yesterday—a nearby wood—is a place that’s nice and quiet and peaceful and has literally nothing surrounding it on Google Maps. Today, rather than running there (or run-walk-run-walk-ing there, to be more accurate) I just walked and took my time. I had some awesome tunes on for the duration and just enjoyed being out, feeling the breeze on me (until it got a bit cold later) and the feeling of being surrounded by nature. Evidently I have some sort of latent hippie/wood elf tendencies.

Of course, any kind of sudden change in one’s routine is normally down to external stimuli, and of course there’s one in this case. A few online chats with a very nice person (who may be reading this right now… hello! *waves*) inspired me to go out and spend some time in all this countryside I’m surrounded with. This countryside I grew up in, and pretty much took for granted, and then became a teenager and thought was boring. So I have. So, special person, thank you for being the one to give me a nudge in the correct direction. It just takes the right person to say the right thing and… well, you find yourself in the middle of the woods listening to Shpongle.

For those who are keeping up, this person is also the person who bullied me (not very hard) into picking up a copy of Firefly and then sat until the early hours with me yesterday watching it “with” me. Which was nice. But also made me forget to write my blog. Although that was mostly my own fault for not writing it earlier and then engaging in a conversation I knew would continue for quite a long time.

Anyway. Yes. Going outside is good. So do it. Especially if you’ve just finished watching that DVD box set or beaten that game you were playing. Don’t pick up another one (yet)—open that door and go and enjoy the lovely mild Autumn sunshine and the crispy brown leaves under your feet. Unless you live in the city, in which case you can go out and enjoy the howling Autumn Peugeot chavmobiles screaming past at all hours.

I have been outside most of today, so I now have no guilt at settling down under a warm duvet with a mug of hot chocolate and a Firefly box set. Can you say the same? Can you?

Oh, here’s some photos. These were taken using the iPhone 4’s fancy-pants HDR setting and haven’t had any processing done to them. Enjoy! I’m off to watch aforementioned Firefly.