#oneaday, Day 76: Daytime. Sort of.

Yes! A pre-midnight post! How about that. Since I’m in a writing frame of mind, I thought I’d write something. I’ve just written 1100 words on my story. Actually, I ditched what I wrote yesterday and started again. It’s flowing a bit better this time, which is good. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up some sort of momentum.

I say I’m in a writing frame of mind but in fact I’m just trying to avoid the televisual monstrosity that is whatever that ridiculous audition show for The Wizard of Oz is on television. I’m really, really sick of these shows, as I’ve made abundantly clear on a number of occasions. These ones where the “winners” end up with a part in a West End show make a mockery of the whole process. Andrew Lloyd Webber sitting in a gold throne with everyone calling him “The Lord”? The sycophantic nonsense spewed by Graham Norton and others on the show is enough to make one want to vomit. Yes, Lloyd Webber has created some of the most successful musicals ever, but that doesn’t mean I want to see people practically sticking their nose up his arse and rimming him on television. And I certainly don’t want to vote on it.

Enough ranting on that subject, otherwise it’ll annoy my wife.

Anything else interesting happen today? Well, no, not really. It’s been very quiet since PAX East, but people are still talking about it, which is good. A good buddy over on BitMob posted a fantastic article about the experience, which summed up exactly how I felt about it as a fellow sufferer of social anxiety. I suggest you go and read it if you haven’t already – even if you’re not a gamer. It’s a great piece.

I’ve also been watching some of the PAX 09 DVD which I picked up as a keepsake. The video quality on it is great, meaning the concerts, panels and appearances by Gabe, Tycho and Wil Wheaton all look and sound great. I’m actually really impressed with how good it is – I was expecting low-quality, hand-held shakeycam, but in fact it’s a completely professional job. I should know better than to doubt nerds making videos, I guess.

Anyway, that’s about it for today. Not very interesting, I know. But that’s the way some days go.