1089: Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong


(Buffy’s Swearing Keyboard. You’re welcome. NSFW, obviously.)

Andie and I bought a doorbell the other day. This is not something I have ever had to purchase before, but it was something of a necessity — we live on the second floor (third if you’re American) and there were doorbells for flat 1 and 2 in our block, but not ours. This meant a distinct chance of missing out on deliveries of orders from Amazon and Chinese takeaway due to a lack of any means for someone at the block’s front door of letting us know we were there. And that will never do. A man needs his Chinese takeaway and AMAZOO.nep deliveries.

Actually, the statement that said I’ve never had to purchase a doorbell before isn’t quite accurate — in my second year at university, I lived in a first (second) floor flat which didn’t have a doorbell. The front door was at ground level and opened straight on to some stairs up into the main part of our flat, so if my housemate and I were in our rooms or the living room, chances are we wouldn’t hear anyone knocking. (We sure as hell heard the fight outside our door one night, though, and got a bit scared when we heard shattering glass. Luckily the aggressor in the incident had punched through our neighbours’ door, not ours. I say “luckily” — obviously not for our neighbours, who then had to spend the next few months with their front door boarded up because the landlord of the building was too lazy to do anything, ever. But these brackets have gone on for too long so I’d better close them before I lose the point of what I was saying.)

Anyway, yes. I popped down to our local massive hardware store, which was but a short walk from our flat, and investigated doorbells. At the time, wireless doorbells, which would have been the ideal solution, were rather expensive. As a student, spending forty quid on a doorbell was out of the question, and I didn’t really feel like drilling holes in the doorframe and poking wires through, largely because I didn’t have a drill. So on that occasion we survived without a doorbell.

Not so this time, though. Both Andie and I are in gainful employment, and as such we were more than able to afford a doorbell for our new place, particularly as wireless doorbells appear to have come down in price considerably over the course of the last ten years. Wired ones didn’t appear to be an option, even. I am fine with this.

The doorbell we chose was a bog-standard model with a single sound that thankfully isn’t too horrendous — it just makes a nice, normal (if obviously electronic) doorbell sound. It doesn’t play a horrible monophonic ringtone-type tune and it doesn’t go on for longer than it needs to, which were the things I was worried about. There’s nothing more embarrassing than a doorbell that outstays its welcome. (Well, there is. Lots of things are. But you know what I mean.)

What I was particularly surprised about as we were browsing the fine selection in B&Q (which I maintain is one of the most tedious stores in the world despite the presence of chainsaws) is the ridiculous features the more expensive doorbells offered. The most expensive one they had there — which was about the same price as the basic wireless ones from ten years ago, as I recall — not only had a wide selection of built-in chimes for you to pick from at your leisure, it also had the ability to play MP3s.

Think about that for a moment. A doorbell. That plays MP3s. Truly we are living in the future. An incredibly pointless future where instead of flying cars and cures for cancer we have doorbells that play fucking MP3s.

I express mock outrage at this but I guess it’s sort of amusing. You could, with that doorbell, essentially have anything as your chime. If you wanted Brian Blessed shouting “GIMME THAT FUCKING BADGE BACK!” (possibly the best video on all of YouTube, that) every time someone was at the door, you could. Or perhaps the chiptune ALF theme from the dancing chicken man video I used to love so much. (Used to? I just put it on and fell in love all over again. CAN’T STOP WATCHING) Or, if you really wanted to drive yourself absolutely insane, this. Or this. Or perhaps the song that gave us Epic Sax Man. Or… well, yeah. You get the idea.

Damn. Now I sort of wish I’d splurged on the stupid MP3-playing doorbell. Much better for trolling Andie with than getting Siri to call her “Bumface”.

One A Day, Day 23: Freak or…

I looked at myself in the mirror today and something occurred to me.

I don’t know anyone else who looks like me.

This may not sound like a blinding revelation, but in a world that seems to be increasingly filled with clones of people who either want to be in Jersey Shore, Hollyoaks or one of Katie “Jordan” Price‘s myriad pointless television appearances, it’s actually quite a nice realisation.

I mean, okay, I’m nothing special to look at. I haven’t cut my hair in ages and I regularly forget to shave when I’m stressed, so I currently look like a cross between, in my wife’s word’s “Cagney… or Lacey… I forget” and Brian Blessed. I mean, sure, I probably wouldn’t look out of place in a gutter right now, grunting and babbling in trampspeak with a bottle of MD 20/20 in one hand and a three-litre bottle of White Lightning in the other, but at least I’m unique. I remain unique even when I do bother to cut my hair and shave.

Part of this is, of course, due to the fact that I don’t know what to say to barbers. I have learned how to ask for two haircuts in my time on this Earth – well, three, actually, if you count “take it all off”, which I’ve never had the guts to do but am morbidly curious about trying sometime. I can ask for a “grade three all over” or a “grade three sides and back, short on top”. The grade three on top is low-maintenance. It just grows (at an alarming rate) – but I don’t have to do anything with it for several months. The other one requires hair gel, which most mornings I just can’t be bothered with.

That’s it, though. I could probably have cool hair if I tried. With the lion’s mane currently plonked atop my head, I could probably get it styled into something entertaining and poncey footballerish (at great expense, no doubt). But then I’d have to take care of it, and brush it, and get up early to make sure it still looked all right… No. I can’t be bothered with that shit. I’ll keep with my Cagney/Lacey/Blessed look for the moment and – here’s a deal for you – I will get a haircut and trim my beard to a respectable level when one of the following things happens:

1) I get a job interview for a job I actually want. (I have two applications for jobs I actually want submitted right now.)

2) My current shitty teaching job finishes.

Deal? Deal. Good night.