#oneaday, Day 255: The Big Pixels are Here!

Ladies and gents, it’s my great pleasure to reveal The Big Pixels to you.

You may recall some days ago that I was mourning the loss of Kombo. Kombo’s still not dead yet—feel free to drop by and support the remaining writers—but, to be frank, it’s probably only a matter of time. It’s very sad to see the end of something which has clearly had love, care and attention poured into it over the last few years, and I’m happy that I was part of the experience for a short while.

But this post isn’t about mourning the past; it’s about celebrating the future. And that future begins with today’s launch of The Big Pixels.

The Big Pixels are a group of friends first and foremost, video game writers second, and we decided to band together to produce something that we’d want to read ourselves. Intelligent, thought-provoking games writing. No flamebait. No traffic-whoring. Just the kind of thing that gets people stroking their chin and going “Hmmm”, and hopefully provoking some discussion. Those of you who follow The Squadron of Shame will undoubtedly dig what we’re doing. And those of you who are tired of the same old news stories posted everywhere day after day will surely enjoy our work, too. It’s an N4G commenter-free zone!

We’re there to have fun and build a community, not to chase page hits. So the important thing for you (yes, you!), the reader, is that you enjoy it. Read our work. Tell us what you think in the comments. Feel free to share any pieces you find particularly interesting or entertaining. And help us to build up our own unique little corner of the internet; a home away from home for those who are sick of “Top Ten Tuesdays” featuring boobies, guns or any combination thereof, or people who are sick of seeing the same picture of Michael Pachter on every article where he says something contentious and/or stupid.

Since you’re reading my blog, I’m going to draw particular attention to my own posts, of course. I am nothing if not a whore, after all. So while you’re over there, feel free to check out a “reprint” of my article on game development’s gender divide (featuring much-appreciated assistance from the very lovely Mitu Khandaker and Lauren Wainwright), a companion article to the most recent SquadCast on video game music, and a discussion of adult gaming. I hope you like them; and be sure to check out my buddies’ work while you’re over there. And don’t forget the Looney Bin, receptacle for all manner of game-related crap that we’ve encountered in our journeys around the web.

It’s been an interesting journey over the last few days, and it’s only just beginning, for sure. Stay tuned to The Big Pixels, as we’ll all be pushing out a wide variety of articles on all manner of game-related subjects every week. Follow us on Twitter and/or Facebook for the latest and to make us look popular and awesome.

Also, our review scoring system has a rainbow unicorn pixel in it. And there is absolutely no way you can say that isn’t the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen. Unless Maru is your cat.