1698: Friday, Friday

I’ve always appreciated the weekend to a certain degree, but frankly when you’re working from home as I was for the last four years, spending a couple of extra days in the place where you’ve been spending time anyway wasn’t much of a “reward” for a job well done. (A couple of days off, however, was.)

After just two weeks at my new job, I’m already observing a new appreciation of the weekend. It was thoroughly pleasant to know that, as time ticked on throughout this afternoon, I was getting closer and closer to being able to go home and stay there for a bit. (Yes, we have a thoroughly quiet and boring weekend planned, with the only thing we really have to leave the house for being my eye test tomorrow.)

I’ve been in a position to appreciate the weekend before, back when I was a teacher, but it wasn’t quite the same. When working as a teacher, you see, the weekends tend to end up filled with the work you weren’t able to complete during the week. Things like marking, levelling, paperwork — and by the time you’re done with all that there’s not all that much time left for enjoying yourself.

Then there was retail, where weekends would frequently be stolen from you — although, I have to say, having a midweek day off in lieu of some weekend work was always rather pleasant.

Now, though, I have a proper weekend. I get home from work on a Friday evening and I don’t have to even think about it until Monday morning. That’s a good feeling. That’s a nice feeling. That means I can enjoy my weekend without guilt about things I “should” be doing, or worrying about whether I’ll have a job when the next week starts. (The latter worry is a common affliction of those in the online press sector, because, well, as I’ve already demonstrated, jobs sometimes just disappear at a moment’s notice.)

So yes. I plan to enjoy my weekend to the fullest. Not like some ‘avin it large “living for the weekend” twat, of course — I actually can’t remember the last time I just “went out” to drink and… do whatever it is you’re supposed to do on a night out — but rather someone who has worked hard all week and is now perfectly entitled to a bit of a break.

I anticipate this weekend will be filled with a combination of Tales of Xillia 2, Final Fantasy XIV, Velocity 2X and possibly a first look at Danganronpa 2 if I finish Xillia 2, which is starting to look increasingly likely. We’ll see. I’m sure I’ll have lots to talk about when I eventually crack that one open.

For now, then, have a pleasant Friday night, and an enjoyable weekend. I certainly will.

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