1216: Hometime

I am writing this to you from English soil. Boooooo!

Yes, that’s right; we’re back home. Apologies to those of you who are in the Toronto area who maybe wanted to catch up and we didn’t get the opportunity to — turns out we filled two full weeks pretty nicely with Stuff to Do.

A very public “thanks” to Mark and Lynette for putting us up for two weeks at their lovely house with its regular squirrel visitors, and thanks to our mutual friend Jonathan for providing us with some board and card game entertainment on more than one occasion. It’s a shame we didn’t have more time to try some games a little more than we did — I would have liked to play A Touch of Evil again, and I’m bummed we didn’t get time to play Mice & Mystics — but we’ll just have to save those for next time, I guess!

The flight back was uneventful, and unusually for me, I managed to actually sleep for most of it. This was perhaps at least partly due to the fact that we had to be up at some ungodly hour in the morning to actually catch the plane, but perhaps it was also a case of the prior two weeks catching up with us somewhat. It wasn’t the most hectic, chaotic holiday I’ve been on — thankfully; I’m not a big fan of holidays where you’re constantly doing stuff and never get any time to just kick back and relax — but it had enough stuff going on to keep things interesting while wearing us out somewhat. To be honest, my main priority for the trip was to see my friends rather than do the “tourist” thing, but I’m glad we had the opportunity for a jaunt around the ROM and the zoo while we were there.

I think the highlight of Toronto for me has to be the board game cafe Snakes & Lattes that I mentioned the other day. If there was such a place here in Southampton, I think I would probably spend a lot of time there — so long as I could find people to go with, of course.

There actually is a regularly-meeting board game group here in Southampton, but I have held off attending thus far due to my own issues with social anxiety and meeting new people. I have little doubt that I would probably have a good time if I just went along and met some new people, but it’s getting over that initial hurdle that’s the tough bit. Of course, if I lived in Toronto and attended Snakes on a regular basis, I’d probably run into the same issue, so… well. That’s something to contemplate another time.

It is both nice to be back and sad to be home. We both had a great time, and I hope we get the chance to do it again sometime soon. For now, however, I think it’s probably time to get some sleep!

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