One A Day, Day 24: Any Other Day

There goes another day. There are now two days remaining until the half-term vacation and a well-earned week off for me. I can’t wait. I wish I didn’t have to go back after said holiday, but at least there isn’t that long to survive after it – and then the joy of PAX.

Naturally, since I’m nearing the end of one of the more unpleasant chapters of my life, now is the time for the shit to hit the fan. The school is expecting a “progress inspection” from the inspectors who judged it “shit” in the first place (I’m paraphrasing, of course) and that will inevitably involve yet more lesson observations. I’m half tempted to not even try, and let them get a real look at what the kids in that school are like. Why should I put myself out preparing a full-on fancy lesson plan when it only gets judged as “inadequate” by the local authority anyway?

I forgot to mention about the previous one – the super-ironic thing about that “inadequate” lesson (which my colleague also taught and got judged similarly, remember) is that we were following the guidelines on the National Strategy Framework Bollocks Primary Policy Full Of Shit site, or whatever it’s called, to the letter. The lesson we delivered was straight out of the National Framework. And it was “inadequate”.


On a side note, I have absolutely no idea why that site gives you the opportunity to 1) comment on 2) rate and 3) share its contents on Facebook. It’s a huge pile of shit all round, so I urge you all to go there forthwith and troll the comments sections for each page as only the Internet can.

So what else is going to happen? Well, there’s assessments to give in (which I’ve nearly finished, but not quite – late evening tomorrow… gah) and then there’s a parents’ evening to look forward to at the beginning of March, at which point I will be counting down the days until I escape so I really have little to no interest in talking to those who spawned the mini-chavs in my care. Actually, there’s the potential opportunity for some fun there. There are plenty of kids in that class who need a good bollocking and don’t listen when I give it to them, so hopefully the parents will sort them out.

Or perhaps not; since I’ve only had four reply slips back so far (and inevitably, all of them want to come in the latest possible time slot, meaning I have to sit twiddling my thumbs for about four hours) there might not be much opportunity to discuss it, particularly as all the parents who have signed up so far are the parents of the few actually nice children in the class.

Boo! Rubbish.

One day I’ll stop ranting about this. Hopefully it will be the day I leave (or shortly thereafter).

For now, it’s survival. Nearly there, though it was touch and go today for a while – though I did apply for another job that I actually want (as opposed to when I applied for the job I’m currently stuck in, which I applied for because I had to – at the time, I thought I wanted to do this, and there wasn’t much else available) so hopefully that will come to something. I currently have three applications pending for different jobs, all of which I very much want. Hopefully one or more of them will find me sufficiently intriguing to interview and/or hire me. Time will tell.

Now I’m off to play some video games. Ta-ta.

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