#oneaday Day 136: Reset and Restart

Now that I’m back from holiday — and had a thoroughly lovely time, aside from apparently putting my back out because I am an old man — it’s time to get serious about the ol’ weight loss. I’m fed up of treading water and making no progress, so I’m trying a bit of a different tack. Slimming World unfortunately hasn’t quite been working for me this time around, so I have instead decided to try the NHS weight loss app. This is pretty much just a glorified calorie tracker, but it has some helpful articles and things that pop up over the course of following a 12-week plan, plus encouragements to check your progress at sensible intervals rather than obsessing over things daily.

I’m also intending to get back into the gym when my back feels a bit better. I have a casual half-plan to alternate cardio and strength training days so I neither overwhelm myself with too much “stuff” on a single day, nor do I feel like I’m “taking up” too much of my personal time with exercise. I know I should consider exercise a valuable use of my personal time, but the reality of the situation is that I’m still in a position where I somewhat resent it. That needs to change, and it’s going to be a gradual process. So establishing a simple, manageable and minimally intrusive routine is what I think will work for me.

Same with the food. I’ve talked a little on here about my experiences with food and why I’ve ended up the way I am, and based purely on anecdotal evidence, I feel like I’m struggling with a kind of “addiction”. Y’see, I’ve seen people struggling with addiction (to substances other than food) and, as unpleasant as it is to think about and admit, I recognise a lot of similar habits in myself.

Where someone with an alcohol addiction can’t resist buying a bottle of vodka from the shop and hiding it upon getting home, “self-medicating” with it in secret even if other people know that’s what they’re doing, I, too, will find myself at the shop telling myself I “deserve” something that is bad for me. Often multiple things that are bad for me, compounding the problem. And I know they’re bad for me, because I’ll inevitably scarf them down before I return home and take care to throw away the evidence of my secret shame before doing so.

And it absolutely is a form of “self-medication”. I eat to relieve all sorts of things. Boredom, sadness, tiredness, loneliness; any sort of vaguely negative emotion, my body’s conditioned response has become “eat something”. And that’s got me into a terrible situation that with every passing day it feels harder and harder to escape from. I’m ashamed of myself and disgusted with myself, and yet still these behaviours persist.

But I am, at least, aware of them. And gradually changing those behaviours is what I’m trying to do with this new, simpler approach. Today I have come in under my calorie goal and still have enough remaining for a nice glass of milk to accompany bedtime. I haven’t accompanied every trip downstairs with a chocolate biscuit or a bag of crisps, and honestly I haven’t really missed them. I had a decent breakfast, a perfectly acceptable lunch and a good dinner, none of which were the depressing sorts of things you read in slimmers’ “success stories”. And approaching things this way has not left me feeling like I’m “missing out” on anything.

Because that was one of the problems I was having with Slimming World this time around. While their plan is effective if you can follow it, if you get into the mindset that you’re “not allowed” certain things, that just leads you to crave them more. And then you indulge those cravings a little bit “because just one won’t hurt”, and before you know it you’re completely sabotaging your own efforts, completely conscious of the fact that you’re doing so.

That’s what happened to me this time around. I had got myself into the mindset that I could “get away” with the odd little “cheat” here and there, but the odd little cheat here and there turned into near-constant cheating, to such a degree that I was actively hampering my own efforts.

And honestly, there is nothing more depressing than reading something like this:

What I used to eat for breakfast:

  • Bacon sandwich
  • Fried Egg
  • Sausage
  • Beans
  • 2 slices of toast
  • Large cup of coffee

What I eat now:

  • Small handful of chia seeds
  • Berries I foraged from the weeds in the back garden
  • A couple of twigs
  • Pond water

It is possible to lead a comfortable, healthy lifestyle without living exclusively off bits of old wood chippings and leaves. It has to be. There are myriad normal people around the world who happily exist on a day-to-day basis, able to enjoy an occasional coffee and a cake and a Tesco Meal Deal for lunch without ballooning to an absurd size. The key, as with anything, is not to do the “treats” to excess. And that is the difficult bit, because treats are delicious and can often induce a temporary feeling of what appears to be happiness and satisfaction

But it’s temporary. Then comes the regret, and the self-loathing, which you end up wanting to… you get the idea.

Anyway. This is a fresh start. Nothing that came before matters. There shall be no guilt, no regret, just determination. I will see how things go from here. It can’t hurt to try.

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