2274: Holding Back the Night(s) of Azure


The more I play Nights of Azure, Gust’s latest game, the more I like it.

It’s a slow burn, though, I must admit; although the setup and premise is intriguing, mechanically it feels a little obtuse to begin with — or perhaps I’m just overthinking it and trying to play it like a conventional grind-heavy RPG, which it emphatically isn’t.

There are a whole bunch of unconventional aspects to the game, most notably its progression system. The level cap is just 11, for one thing, and unusually, the protagonist’s level progression isn’t a case of grinding for experience; rather, you collect “Blood” from fallen enemies, and then make use of this in increasingly large quantities to gain a level. Levelling up increases your base stats, unlocks new skills to purchase using the four different types of skill points, and sometimes gives you access to new weapons or abilities.

However, there’s a more noteworthy aspect to levelling up, which is that it gives you access to a story scene between the protagonist Arnice and the “Maiden of Jorth”, a mysterious young woman who looks awfully like Arnice’s ladyfriend Lilysse and hangs out in a dream world. During these scenes, you generally have the option to either find out a bit more about the background lore of the world or a bit more about the relationship between Arnice and Lilysse.

It’s interesting to see level progression and narrative progression intertwined so closely, as this isn’t something that happens very often. In fact, outside of level-locked quests in MMOs, the last time I remember it happening in a single-player RPG is The Granstream Saga on PlayStation 1, though this came at it from the other angle in that you levelled up at predefined moments in the story rather than levelling up triggering story scenes.

There’s a more conventional levelling system in there too in the form of the “Servans” system that forms the main basis for the battle mechanics. During the game’s action sequences, Arnice can take one or more “decks” of Servans with her, and summon them in exchange for her SP. She can have up to four Servans out at once, and each of them have a combination of passive, automatically activated and manually activated “Burst” abilities. They all act independently of Arnice; while you can give them some rudimentary orders such as “Follow me” and “Attack my target”, they mostly do their own thing according to their personality — some loyally attack your target without question; others hang back and attack if they feel like it; others still don’t like fighting at all and would rather dig up items for you.

There was the potential for the lack of direct control of the Servans to be enormously frustrating, but it seems to work pretty well. Arnice isn’t an especially strong combatant by herself, but wading into the melee yourself generally sends a clear message to your Servans as to which enemies you want to focus on. And the more you use them, the more they level up; after an action scene, they gain experience points in a more “normal RPG” style, levelling up and unlocking abilities of their own.

Each of the Servans seems to have a very different use; I have what feels like a good party right now, but I’m sure it won’t be ideal for every situation. Of particular note in this system is the fact that each Servan has a coloured affinity, and the combination of affinities in your deck (or, rather, which affinity has a clear majority) determines what weird and wonderful demonic form Arnice can transform into after charging up through battle. These demon forms are enormously powerful in various ways — some hit hard, some are very fast, some can take a beating. They’re particularly useful when it comes to the bosses in the game, which are interesting, challenging battles that demand successful juggling of Arnice’s attacks, your Servans’ attacks, positioning and well-timed transformations.

I don’t feel I quite have my head around all the mechanics in Nights of Azure just yet, but I’m enjoying it a lot. The story and characters are compelling, and the game doesn’t waste a lot of time with endless dialogue sequences; it’s pretty pacy, moving from one episode to the next in short order, and the action sequences are cut into short, 5-15 minute chunks, making it an easy game to dip into.

There’s a whole bunch of interesting stuff going on in this game, in other words, and I feel it’s probably a strong contender to spend a month on over at MoeGamer in the near future. So I think I’d probably better start taking notes!

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