2271: Pledging for Positivity


A short, somewhat belated entry today, as last night was… not good, to say the least.

I’ve been thinking. Partly following a discussion with my friend Chris after my post from the other day, and partly after watching this video from TotalBiscuit:

Negativity isn’t getting anyone anywhere. Negativity is not effecting social change for those who believe in such things, and negativity is not going to change the mind of people who have their minds stubbornly made up about the things they believe.

As such, here and now, I’m going to make a pledge for positivity — and not for the first time — and try my very best to stick to it, for my own sanity if anything else.

I don’t like getting angry and upset about things; it puts me in a bad mood and often ruins my day. It might make me feel good that I’m expressing my frustration at a situation, but ultimately all a good rage achieves is letting other people who already share my views know that they’re not alone, while failing to change the mind of those who are stubbornly entrenched in their own ideology. And while the former aspect of that can be valuable, the latter is completely unhelpful.

So I’m going to stick to the positive things — at least, I’m going to try to. I’m going to celebrate the things I love, and do my best to explain why I love the things I love.

I’ve actually already made a bit of a start on this over on my other site MoeGamer, with two articles so far on Senran Kagura Estival Versus: one introducing the game, and a second exploring its historical context and game mechanics. Over the course of the rest of the month, I’m going to write about its narrative, characterisation and aesthetics, too, so watch out for those.

I need good things in my life right now. And that means consciously trying to avoid that which makes me miserable.

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