#oneaday, Day 158: Executive Lounge

Day of firsts today. My first press trip. My first visit to a developer. My first bit of freelancing for a large and well-known video games website. My first trip business class.

Actually, “business class” might be stretching it a bit. Since FlyBe only appear to fly to Scotland in aircraft best described as sheds with wings, “business class” means you get to sit at the front. Oh, and you get a voucher for a free drink and a free snack. However, you don’t appear to get another coupon for the return trip.

You do, however, get to use the Executive Lounge, which offers moderately-comfortable seating and free food and drink. It’s quite nice. Yes, that’s “quite nice”. As in, if I’d had to pay for this trip myself, I wouldn’t have paid the extra.

Yes, this was also my first fully-expensed trip. Nice.

Anyway, I won’t be talking about the thing I went to see today, at least not until I have written the articles I have to write about it. But suffice to say it’s very good, the demo doesn’t really do it justice and it’s a hoot in multiplayer. So you should buy it when it eventually comes out in a couple of weeks.

My flight home has been delayed. This means extra time for free stuff. I’m just starting to feel a bit sleepy now so will probably get a brief bit of kip aboard the plane. Though I’m not counting on it.

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5 thoughts on “#oneaday, Day 158: Executive Lounge

  1. Increasingly wondering if you’re there to see a game one of our friends is working on… can’t wait to see if I’m right!

    Hurrah for paid expenses and a fantastic sounding day of firsts! Have a fabulous time!

      1. Ah… not the game they’re working on, but now I know which it is! Didn’t play 1 (though apparently we have it somewhere in the pile o’ shame), but sounds like a fun game. Hope you had a great time!

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