#oneaday Day 75: Not Well

I’ve been unwell for the last couple of days. I don’t know whether it’s a delayed reaction to going to London last week or if it’s just a seasonal thing, but I’ve been feeling pretty rotten. Spent most of this evening asleep, and didn’t even end up feeling super rested because I was having sad and upsetting dreams.

But oh well. These things happen, they are a fact of life. At least with how most of us are still able to work from home, being ill doesn’t mean having to take a whole day off work. In fact, when I’m feeling fairly wretched, I’m more than happy to do some work anyway because it’s something to do and it helps keep my mind off things. Right now, we’re doing some preparatory work for the Evercade cartridges coming in the first half of 2025, and we’ve already got some excellent stuff lined up. Obviously I can’t talk about that in any more detail than that, though!

The situation I described yesterday appears to mostly be settling down, thankfully. A couple of people have left the Discord in question, which is a shame in at least one case, but everyone else (except arguably one person, whom I had to reprimand privately earlier, and who was less than gracious about it) seems to have stopped being quite so childish about the entire situation. I’m still baffled at supposedly grown adults behaving like primary school children, though… although given my local Slimming World group has groups of older ladies who have to be asked to stop talking while the consultant delivers the session, perhaps I shouldn’t be so surprised.

I haven’t really played any games for the past few days because I just haven’t really felt like I’ve had the mental energy for it. I have watched a lot of episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, though, and I’m now into the fifth season, which I believe is virgin territory for me. I might have seen the first couple of episodes at some point, but beyond that, I think it’s all new to me. I’m particularly interested to see how the whole Dominion War arc proceeds, because I’ve been specifically avoiding a lot of Star Trek material that is positioned as being after the Dominion War — with one exception being the excellent Star Trek Resurgence, which I highly recommend to those who enjoy both Trek and Telltale Games’ past work.

I have been playing the piano, though. In fact, my long sleep tonight meant that today is the first day I haven’t played it since it arrived, but I’ll get back onto it tomorrow. At the moment I’m still just playing a few bits and pieces to get back into the swing of things, but I think from next week I’m going to try and start doing a bit more structured “practice” again. That feels like a good and healthy habit to get back into, and perhaps alongside that I can revitalise my enthusiasm for the gym while I’m establishing habits.

Good intentions and all that. Anyway, now it’s late, so I think it’s probably time to go back to bed, maybe watch another Deep Space Nine, and get some more sleep. Hopefully I’ll feel better tomorrow.

Want to read my thoughts on various video games, visual novels and other popular culture things? Stop by MoeGamer.net, my site for all things fun where I am generally a lot more cheerful. And if you fancy watching some vids on classic games, drop by my YouTube channel.

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