#oneaday Day 14: Sleep, Needed

In stark contrast to yesterday’s very good sleep (albeit with interruption by noisily vomiting cat), last night I slept terribly. I went to bed with a pain in my back and took some painkillers, which helped a bit, but it took me ages to get to sleep and I woke up multiple times throughout the night. There wasn’t even a good reason for it this time; Patti was, as usual, in her spot at the foot of our bed, but she wasn’t in the way or being sick. I was just waking up and then taking a long time to actually get back to sleep again.

Still, it’s the weekend now, so if I want to (I probably want to) I can have a nice lie-in tomorrow. I don’t think we have anything vastly important planned for the weekend, so we can just have a bit of nice relaxing time, I can make some videos and we can generally recharge and recuperate ahead of it all starting again on Monday.

I’m not going to the gym or swimming today as I still feel extremely stiff and achey, not helped by the poor night’s sleep. I have succeeded in my original goal, though, which was to get out of the house in the morning and do something active at least twice, and I think I will make some time over the weekend to go either swimming or to the gym, depending on their respective availability.

I’m feeling motivated to try and get things going back in the right direction, so it’s a bit frustrating that it feels like my body is just going “eh, no” right this second, but I’m sure that’s 1) a temporary thing and 2) something that I’ll have to power through in the long term. I’m willing to put in that work, but there’s also no rush to get it done. Past experience tells me that working up to things gradually is the way to go; try and do too much too soon and it’s easy to completely lose all that motivation you’d built up. And I don’t want that to happen.

Apropos of nothing, I thought I’d look back at what I was up to ten years ago today, since the long life of this blog means I can actually check such things. It appears that I was 1,615 posts deep into my original #oneaday effort, and I’d just watched a then-new show on the TV channel Dave known as Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled. I have no idea if this show is still running, but reading back over the post, I remember it being enjoyable, lightweight television that didn’t demand too much of the viewer.

Reading that makes me think how much our relationship with media has changed in just ten years. Today, I’m very unlikely to watch anything “on television” (i.e. live broadcasts), and a lot of the stuff I do watch on a day-to-day basis is via YouTube. Right now, I am watching through all of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine on DVD as a bedtime activity, though, and that’s a nice reminder of how enjoyable classic TV could be… hell, how enjoyable a show of that format still is.

In fact, I’m probably due some sort of retrospective post on Deep Space Nine and my relationship with Star Trek in general. Well, I guess that’s a topic for tomorrow sorted! For now, though, my dinner is ready so I’m off to eat and then quite possibly to just collapse into bed aftwards.

Want to read my thoughts on various video games, visual novels and other popular culture things? Stop by MoeGamer.net, my site for all things fun where I am generally a lot more cheerful. And if you fancy watching some vids on classic games, drop by my YouTube channel.

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