
A fine morning to you, everyone. I’ve decided to come back to this blog on an occasional basis, as writing here always used to provide good “therapy” when I really needed it — and after the last couple of years we’ve all had I don’t think anyone in the world would deny the need for some sort of outlet for all the stresses we’ve been having to deal with.

I’m not going to make any bold commitments about posting every day or anything like that — largely because my day job over at Rice Digital means that I’m writing every day anyway, so the whole “keeping in practice” thing isn’t really necessary. Instead, I’m just going to write here when I feel like it, just for the sake of expressing myself and perhaps sharing something of myself with those of you reading.

This might also be an opportunity to rekindle some friendships that kind of fell by the wayside when I moved away from posting regularly on this blog in favour of my other projects such as MoeGamer and my YouTube channel. So if you’re seeing this in your inbox or feed reader for the first time in a while, be sure to say hi — it’d be lovely to hear from some of you.

I’m not going to go straight into babbling on too much about the living nightmare that is life in 2022; we’ll save that for another day. For today, I just wanted to say hello, remind you all that I exist — and let you know that you’ll once again be seeing a bit of me around here now and again. That’ll probably do for now — but expect more soon!

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