2284: Nights of Azure: Encounter in the Abyss


I only have a couple of trophies left before I have the Platinum on Gust’s action RPG Nights of Azure, and I’m coming away from the game very impressed. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it to begin with — though I adored its aesthetic and narrative — but once I got my head around its unconventional systems and subversions of standard RPG mechanics, I was well and truly enraptured.

The game has excellent combat. I was concerned that it would be a little hack-and-slashy when I first started playing, but as it progresses and you open up more and more systems and options for yourself, it becomes really interesting. In fact, oddly enough, one game that I’m constantly reminded of while I’m playing Nights of Azure is Final Fantasy XIV, of all things; while the two games may not appear to have much in common initially, one being an action RPG and one being a hotbar-and-cooldown-based MMO, I maintain that Nights of Azure is what Final Fantasy XIV would play like if it was a single-player action game.

Perhaps I should clarify that. Both are based on making good use of a gradually expanding roster of abilities that you unlock bit by bit as you progress through the game, rather than outright customisation (though Nights of Azure has considerably more customisation when it comes to equipment than FFXIV, with up to four items being equippable, each having both an effect on Arnice’s stats and some sort of special effect). Both are based on a combination of open world adventuring (albeit in Nights of Azure’s case, said “world” being just one town) and linear dungeons with boss encounters. And in both cases, said boss encounters are based heavily on learning the boss’ attacks, how to avoid them, making sure you don’t stand in area of effect markers, and recognising when it’s safe to attack.

This latter aspect is particularly apparent in the later hours of the game and especially the “epilogue” chapter after you beat the final boss for the first time. The “epilogue” is actually a retread of the last chapter with some additional content and the ability to raise Arnice to the level cap of 11 rather than the previous 10; she also gains the ability to transform into Nightmare form as well as her previous Demon, Moon Rabbit, Phantom and Armour forms. More importantly, totally completing this final chapter unlocks the “true” ending, which I haven’t seen yet, since I’m cleaning up the last few trophies first.

Throughout the game, there are a number of boss battles. These are all very good and have a nice amount of variety between them, but for me, the absolute highlight of the game’s battles has been the optional “Abyss” battle in the Arena. The Arena is initially designed as a place to practice the various techniques you’ll need to use in the game, ranging from chaining long combos to defeating enemies using only your summoned Servans. “Abyss”, meanwhile, is the culmination of everything you’ve learned, in theory, pitting you against the toughest individual foe in the game over the course of several phases; a fight that rivals some of Final Fantasy XIV’s raid bosses in its complexity.

Let me explain how I beat the fight and you’ll see.

Your opponent is a demon girl fiend — Yfritte, I believe, though don’t quote me on that. She’s a level 11 opponent — enemies in the game go up to level 15, and your Servans can level this high with an appropriate ability, though Arnice herself can only level to 11. Unlike similar-looking enemies you might have encountered elsewhere in the game, Yfritte (as we’ll call her, even if she isn’t) has about a bazillion HP and, it becomes clear immediately after engaging her, isn’t going to go down without one hell of a fight.

You start across the Arena from Yfritte with no Servans summoned. I summoned all my Servans immediately — my main party consisting of Alraune (healer), Plumie (ranged damage dealer), Toy Trooper (group of damage dealers) and Toy Sentinel (single damage dealer, hits lots of times) — and straight away set off Toy Trooper and Toy Sentinel’s Burst attacks to deal some initial damage to Yfritte.

Using Arnice’s Blood Sword, I alternated between using the Special attack, which knocks Yfritte down for a couple of seconds, and the Weak attack, which, with the Vlad’s Crest item I had equipped, restored Arnice’s SP quickly enough to perform Special attacks almost indefinitely, effectively stun-locking Yfritte. This process repeats until about 80% of her HP, at which point she summons two Manticores.

The Manticores can Paralyse you and your Servans, so it’s a good idea to have status-repelling abilities or equipment on at least Arnice and your healer. They also have a nasty multi-hit fire breath attack, so staying behind or to the side of them is a good idea. Continue alternating Weak and Special attacks to repeatedly knock them down until Arnice’s Transformation bar fills, at which point the combination of Servans I had equipped allowed me to transform into the speedy Moon Rabbit form.

Moon Rabbit’s Special attack needs 100SP, but it’s a huge area-effect attack that hits lots of times — and, with Vlad’s Crest equipped, this means that 100SP is regenerated almost immediately if you hit more than one target with it. It also inflicts Bleed for some damage over time, so it’s good for upping your average damage per second. I repeatedly triggered Moon Rabbit’s Special Attack, taking care to catch Yfritte and the two Manticores in the AoE, until the transformation ran out, by which point the Manticores were dead and Yfritte had a chunk of life missing.

There now follows a short phase where Yfritte is by herself. She flings missiles at you from a distance, some of which home in on you, and sets off close-range area effect abilities when you’re up close, some of which are powerful enough to one-shot Arnice. Distract her with your Servans — use Alraune’s Mega Heal to top up their HP if necessary — and return to the Weak-Special combo to keep her off-balance.

After a while, she’ll summon a huge number of level 1 Shadows. Move away from Yfritte and hack and slash through the Shadows to build up both SP and the Transformation bar. It’s potentially worth unsummoning your Servans at this point, as the Shadows don’t hit hard and if you keep clear of Yfritte (and avoid her missiles) you won’t take a lot of damage. Plus when you re-summon the Servans, they’ll have full SP again, although their HP will be where you left it, so be ready to heal if necessary.

I had a second deck of Servans set up to transform Arnice into Nightmare form, so I took the opportunity to use this powerful transformation once the bar was full. Nightmare form has a wide arc ranged attack that hits multiple times as its default weak attack, so spamming this and avoiding Yfritte’s missiles does a significant amount of damage in a short space of time. Once I was safely in Nightmare form, I switched back to my initial deck, summoned Alraune for healing purposes just in case a shot got through, and prepared for the next phase.

The next phase comes when Yfritte summons a huge blue area of effect marker on the ground. This inflicts poison and is also slippery ice, so having status resist abilities or equipment is a good idea, particularly on Alraune. The Mermaid’s Tear item completely nullifies any area-effect abilities, so this effectively allows Alraune to shrug it off and continue healing you. Don’t summon any other Servans until the AoE disappears, since they’re dumb enough to blindly charge straight into it, get poisoned and die straight away. Once it goes away, however, go nuts; return to the Weak-Special combo to knock Yfritte off balance until the next phase starts.

Next up, Yfritte summons a doll who chucks toys at you, which can be easily avoided, and a spirit-type who we’ll affectionately refer to as the “bullet hell fairy”. Kill the doll first, since it’s not got many HP and will go down quickly. The bullet hell fairy is a little more troublesome, since she repeatedly summons large groups of bullets which then explode for significant damage. You can see where they’re going to appear and get out of the way of them; use the Follow command on Servans to get them out of harm’s way. They’re always in the same formation: one at “twelve o’clock”, then two more at “eight” and “four”. Take care to continue dodging Yfritte’s bullets and close-range AoEs while you deal with the fairy.

By now we’re getting close to the end, but there’s still a couple of phases to go. Yfritte will do another big AoE — red this time — so deal with it the same way: unsummon everything except an immune Alraune and perhaps pelt Yfritte from afar with the Blitz Shooter if she refuses to come out of her little safe space. When the AoE disappears, you’re on the home straight.

Yfritte will summon some Shadows again — level 7 this time, so they don’t go down so easily. Re-summon your Servans and get them to hack and slash their way through the hordes, though keep an eye on where Yfritte is so you don’t get caught out by a one-shot AoE at this late stage in the fight. Build up SP with Weak attacks and clear an area with a Special from the Blood Sword, preferably catching Yfritte on the outside of it so you can knock her down for a bit of damage. Repeat until you charge up another transformation; it’s a good idea to pick Moon Rabbit for this one for the large Special AoE, though Nightmare works too, since its ranged attack covers a wide area. Basically you want to rip through as many Shadows as possible while still hitting Yfritte in order to keep your SP topped up.

Towards the end of the fight, Yfritte will summon a Stone Hellion — the same really annoying ones that were in earlier Arena battles, equipped entirely with nothing but one-shot abilities with huge AoEs. Fortunately this one goes down a little easier than the boss-class ones in earlier battles, so catch him in a Moon Rabbit Special if you can while continuing to hit Yfritte. Take care to avoid all his big AoEs — Moon Rabbit’s speed is really helpful here — and continue pelting Yfritte with everything you’ve got while making sure to stay clear of her bullets and AoEs as well as ensuring you don’t get overwhelmed by shadows… and eventually, hopefully, you will prevail with time to spare.

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