2196: Starward Rogue, a Game About a Severed Head in a Mech


I took a look at Arcen Games’ latest today. I’ve followed this interesting developer for a few games now, most notably A Valley Without Wind and its sequel: two games that fused, oddly enough, turn-based strategy with Metroidvania-esque platform shooting. Arcen’s latest game Starward Rogue continues the dev’s tradition of fusing disparate genres together, in this case arcade shooters and roguelikes.

I say “disparate”; Starward Rogue isn’t the first game to combine roguelike elements with a shoot ’em up core, but it is the first I recall seeing designed around the principles of Japanese-style arcade shooters, particularly those of the “bullet hell” variety. That means intense, complex bullet patterns that you need to navigate through as well as enemies to defeat, and it makes for an exciting, very interesting take on a genre that all too often coasts along without any real innovation.

Starward Rogue casts you in the role of a severed head in a mech as you attempt to rescue someone called Rodney from the depths of a dungeon called the Megalith. I believe these two elements are a reference to one of Arcen’s other games, but it’s one I’m not familiar with at this time. Fortunately, no real knowledge of whatever the other game it’s referring to is required; it’s simply a bit of fanservice for those who have played the game’s spiritual predecessor. Rodney is an entertaining character in his own right, though my only direct contact with him so far has been in the tutorial sequence.

Starward Rogue‘s gameplay is balanced nicely between exploration and action. Each level of the Megalith is split into discrete rooms, each of which has to be cleared of enemies before you can move on to the next one. Unlike similar games such as The Binding of Isaac, though, Starward Rogue’s rooms are often more than a screen wide and tall, and there are a number of unique designs and layouts that you’ll encounter over the course of the game, which are then combined with various enemy and trap waves — the latter tending to be non-destroyable obstacles or gun turrets that will spew out hot fiery death as you try and take down the enemies, then deactivate when you’ve cleared the room.

Levelling up is a simple process: no stat allocation here, simply pick one of three randomly selected perks. These vary from increased damage to having a full map available from the start of the floor — and even being able to skip the rest of the floor you’re on. Alongside these passive bonuses you get from levelling, you can also equip and upgrade your infinite-ammo main gun, your recharging Energy-based weapon (which recharges when you enter a new room) and your limited-ammo Missile weapon. There are also various other passive upgrades you can collect, and one-shot consumable items that generally have some sort of “smart bomb” effect.

Much like the aforementioned The Binding of IsaacStarward Rogue is a game intended to be replayed and rechallenged. There are a number of different mechs with which to play the game, and there’s a checklist of enemies and items you’ve found over the course of all your runs. There are also five difficulty levels to choose from, with Very Easy all but guaranteeing a full clear run unless you are the very worst kind of incompetent moron, and the highest difficulty claiming to offer difficulty on a par with the legendary Touhou series. And on top of that there are a bunch of achievements to earn, too, so it’s very much a game that will keep you busy for a long time if you get it — though it’s accessible enough to be able to pick up every so often for a quick blast even if you’ve left it alone for a while.

I completed a Very Easy run earlier — there’s no shame in starting either a roguelike or a shoot ’em up on the lowest difficulty, and this game is both! — and am already looking forward to giving it another shot soon. If you’re a fan of The Binding of Isaac and its ilk — “roguelites”, to use the popular term — then you could do far worse than give Starward Rogue a look.

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