1968: Another Week, Another Pound

Weigh-in night tonight, as it is every Wednesday, and I’m pleased to report that I’ve shed another pound this week. This is less than I’ve lost in some weeks, but I’m just pleased that it’s continuing to go in a downwards direction almost every week. In the however-many-weeks it is since I joined Slimming World, I think I’ve only had one week where I put on weight, and in that instance it was only a pound. (And an entirely justified pound, given the amount of meat I consumed during my birthday celebrations.)

I’m still feeling positive about the whole thing, and I’m glad; one of the things that put me off any sort of dieting before was the fact that I’d get so utterly bored of it by a few days in, start “treating” myself to something because it couldn’t hurt, and then end up right back where I started again. Or, in some instances, the diet would prove to be detrimental to my health; I recall I experimented with Atkins on one occasion and promptly spent most of that week suffering from some of the worst headaches I’ve ever had in my life. I didn’t try that again.

But Slimming World allows me the flexibility to enjoy food — and food I like too. I’d probably get faster weight loss if I had a few more salads and few less bacon sandwiches of a morning, but I like bacon sandwiches and salads are rubbish, so since I’m still losing weight even when I have bacon sandwiches in the morning, I think I will stick with the bacon sandwiches, thank you very much.

I think the key to the whole thing, which is what I didn’t seem to work out and/or stick with on any previous occasion where I’ve tried dieting, is to find “acceptable” substitutes for the things I like. My biggest weakness was always sweet things — sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks, cakes, pastries, that sort of thing. The most significant change I’ve made to my eating and drinking since I started Slimming World is swapping out highly calorific sweet things for things that still satisfy that craving for something sweet but which don’t cause me to pile weight on.

Muller Light yoghurt, for example, is “free” on Slimming World, meaning that you can have as much of it as you like in a day. I’ve found a bunch of flavours that I like very much (Vanilla with chocolate sprinkles, orange with chocolate sprinkles, coconut with chocolate sprinkles, cherry and the cappuccino one they don’t seem to make any more) and will now reach for one of those rather than a chocolate bar.

Of course, the “syns” system on Slimming World means that I do have the flexibility to have a biscuit or a piece of chocolate now and again, so long as I don’t go completely out of control with it. I can even enjoy an Indian takeaway within my allowance — turns out my favourite curry (dansak) is the lowest-syn curry there is, so I call that a win and a half. (Other favourites Chinese and pizza, however, are pretty much out of the window, sadly, though I’m surprised how little I’ve missed them.)

I have set myself a “target” weight that is still a fair distance away, and depending on how long it takes to get there and how I look and feel when I get there, I may consider attempting to lose even more on top of that. But I no longer feel as I once did — that the weight I had put on was never coming off, ever — and I feel hopeful and confident that, even if it takes months or years, I’ll eventually be able to get to where I want to be. Seeing one member of the group tonight picking up his award for having lost a total of six stone since he joined was inspiring; I’m already over halfway to where he is after a relatively short period of time, so I’m looking forward to what the future holds, particularly as I’m already starting to feel better about myself when I see myself in a mirror or look down at my still-flabby-but-not-quite-as-much-as-before gut.

The journey will be long, then, but I’m still very much on the right road. I’m glad I took that difficult first step.

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3 thoughts on “1968: Another Week, Another Pound

  1. Congratulations on the weight loss, but more importantly, congratulations on your tastebuds. Dhansak is the king of curries.

  2. Ask them if a ‘pizza’ made using a wrap (corn, spelt) as a base, then putting bacon/ham/chicken, tomato slices, pineapple and sprinking with a little shredded cheese, then grilling under griller briefly to crisp up, would be acceptable for your normal pizza no-no? Don’t put the tomato paste base on it, and use light cheese or a very small amount, but fill the top with good food that is allowable if it were in the wrap instead of on it. I use this as my pizza coz i like a thin base and can’t eat the normal spiced stuff without getting ill. I’d be interested to know. And it might give you ‘pizza’ after all. 😀

    1. There’s a Slimming World-friendly pizza recipe that we’re yet to try, I think it’s something along those lines. I’ll have to investigate! I do like a pizza.

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