1838: Friday Night

Not really sure what to write about today, to be perfectly honest. All in all, aside from the motivating weight loss I successfully achieved the other day, it’s been a fairly shitty week all round. I won’t bore you with the reasons, but suffice to say it’s been rubbish and crap throughout, and I’m glad that I now have a weekend to (hopefully) enjoy before a new week begins and hopefully continues somewhat better than the last.

Played a bit of Final Fantasy XIV earlier and had the pleasure of playing alongside some players I’ve got to know via Twitter recently. This is, I think, the first time I’ve really spent much time hanging out with people outside the “Free Company” I’ve been a member of since the beta version launched back in 2013, and it’s been pleasant.

It’s also been interesting how this little social circle has expanded quite quickly in the last couple of weeks. I initially met “Farah Maxwell” (character name, not real name) when I heard about the tragic passing of an FFXIV player, and participated in an emotional (virtual) beachside vigil to pay my respects to the fallen. We stayed in touch via Twitter after that, however — it was Twitter that made me aware of the event in the first place, since Farah had been tweeting about it — and I gradually started to get to know a few other members of this group, including one who runs an immensely entertaining (if you’re an FFXIV player, anyway) account highlighting the hilarious, bizarre and rude things some players put in the game’s “Party Finder” system, essentially a bulletin board allowing you to recruit members to help out with pretty much anything the game has to offer.

Coincidentally, one of the people I got to know through this group was someone I’d seen around during the game’s “Hunt” system, whereby large monsters occasionally spawn in various areas and large groups of players promptly dogpile them and kill them considerably quicker than I imagine the developers intended. Their character, one “Emi Katapow”, had caught my eye for one reason or another, though I forget exactly why now: perhaps it was their wearing of the yukata costume, which was once my character’s attire of choice; or perhaps it was the fact that in my brief encounter with them at the time, they seemed like a nice person. FFXIV’s community is, on the whole, pretty good — with a few exceptions — but pleasant people to be around still stand out somewhat.

It so happened that Farah and Emi were both online this evening, so I had the opportunity to play a little with them, accompanied by a number of Free Company-mates who came along for the ride. We tackled “Turn 7”, aka The Second Coil of Bahamut, Turn 2, and failed miserably to defeat it, but we had some fun regardless; even with the lowered difficulty of this encounter, it can still be a challenge to make it through successfully, particularly if you’re with an unfamiliar group that you might not have run with before. No-one seemed to mind that we didn’t clear, though; for many, getting a full group together to challenge Coil is a seemingly insurmountable challenge unless you have a “static” — a group of people who meet regularly specifically to take on this difficult content — and so our little failed trip into Melusine’s lair may have provided a rare opportunity for some of our number to try their hand at some of the toughest fights FFXIV has to offer.

Anyway. Even with the enjoyment of earlier, I’m still feeling a bit shitty about the week just gone by, and so I’m headed in a bedwardsly direction. I plan on sleeping in tomorrow and doing absolutely nothing of note all weekend. That sounds like a fine idea right now.

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