1313: Whew

Aug 23 -- End of the WeekThat’s what’s felt like a very long week over and done with. And I’m happy to see the back of it. It’s been tiring and stressful, though I’m not entirely sure why; nothing really specifically stressful or distressing has happened as such, it’s just been… bleh.

I haven’t had particularly restful sleep all week; that’s part of the problem, I think. We appear to be bang in the middle of Flying Things That Like to Bite You About the Arse, Legs and Arms season. I’m not sure exactly what form said Flying Things That etc. are taking this particular year, but I’m pretty sure I’ve heard mosquitoes at the very least. Bastard things.

Trouble is, it’s at that frustrating sort of temperature where if you shut the windows it’s too warm, open the windows and it’s slightly too cold (plus Flying Things That etc. come in uninvited), put a fan on and you wake up with a mouth like a badger’s been sticking its arse in it all night long.

I’m not sure why I’m telling you all this. I think my brain has just plain shut down for the weekend, suggesting that I should attempt to get some sleep and hopefully feel a bit fresher in the morning. After all, it is Final Fantasy day tomorrow — Early Access for Final Fantasy XIV starts tomorrow, which I’ve been looking forward to a lot.

I levelled my Thaumaturgist class to 20 — the level cap for the recent open beta — and made a start on the Weaver crafting class. I’m torn as to what to do when I get back in, though; should I start a new class, or carry on developing the ones I’ve already been working on? I haven’t tried a “Disciple of the Land” gathering class at all yet, and I’ve been curious to.

I guess I don’t even have to decide if I don’t want to. That’s one of the nice things about the new game; once you’ve reached level 10 in your starting class and completed the appropriate quest, you can then switch classes whenever you want simply by swapping out your weapon. This is absolutely ideal for situations where you want to play with friends who are perhaps just starting out in the game — I’d be able to swap to a class I haven’t levelled at all and help them out from the very beginning. For situations where that isn’t practical, the Level Sync function artificially limits your level in situations like dungeons and boss battles to ensure you’re never overpowered and that you always have a decent challenge to take on.

Incidentally, if any of you reading this are planning on playing the game and want to meet up with me, my character’s name is Amarysse Jerhynsson (naturally) and she calls the Ultros server home. Depending on how many of my colleagues at USgamer I manage to rope into joining me, I may start an official USgamer Linkshell on that server; in the meantime, I’m part of the Giant Bomb Linkshell and will continue to be part of that once the game goes live. (A Linkshell is basically a global chat channel; not quite a guild, but a means of a group of people to communicate with one another. FFXIV does have “guilds” in the form of Free Companies, too; a single character can be in one Free Company and, I think, eight Linkshells at once.)

I’m just rambling now. I’m off. Good night all.

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