#oneaday, Day 310: Don’t Be Hatin’

Somehow I don’t think that anyone who is reading this blog will fall into the category that I’m about to talk about, but I’ll direct this at everyone generally just in case.

Have you used any kind of expression involving the word “haters” recently in a non-ironic sense? I have one simple request to you: stop it. You sound like an idiot.

I don’t know who was the first person to decide that posting something along the lines of “I don’t give a fuck about the haters” (or, more accurately, usually “i dont giv a fuk abt da haterz!!!”) was a great idea and made them look Deep And Stuff™, but it’s a plague on far too many people on the Internet, many of whom are clearly desperately wishing they were from a socioeconomic and/or ethnic group other than their own.

The latest person to come out with some such bullshit was none other than British Formula 1 racing driver, Lewis Hamilton, who earlier tweeted “To those of u who care, thanks for ur support, am on here for u. To all u haters…I jus don’t give a fuck haha” [sic]. The tweet has since been removed, suggesting one of two possibilities: 1) McLaren got in touch and told Lewis to stop pretending to be 50 Cent (who tweets nonsense like that all the time, but inexplicably occasionally censors himself when he says “shit”) or 2) the tweet wasn’t by him in the first place. Either are entirely plausible.

But let’s assume, for the sake of rantitude, that it actually was Hamilton. Twitter promptly exploded at the fact that a high-profile sports personality who normally came across as a nice, if rather boring, young man on television knows the “fuck” word. Some people even seemed to think that his “taking a stand” like this was somehow admirable. I thought it made him come across as a bit of a cock.

The thing is, in my experience, any time I’ve seen anyone coming out with the “screw u haterz” nonsense, they are desperately insecure and usually spoiling for a fight. Perhaps they like to post unpopular views, troll forums or simply act like a complete penis online. Never once have I come across someone who posts in full sentences and understands what punctuation is who has said “I don’t give a fuck abt da haterz” or similar.

The knock-on effect of this is that it causes people like me, who put a lot of stock in the written word, to judge the people who say this sort of thing, perhaps unfairly. Nine times out of ten (I made that up) the people who post things in this manner online are white middle-class teenagers who desperately, desperately wish they were a street-smart hip-hop gangsta, yo, preferably packing a piece. (I feel extremely middle-class and very English just typing those words. Oh well. Fine by me.) Quite why they want to come across as a “thug” (their word) is beyond me.

So, then, consider it a warning. If you start talking about “haters” and your indifference towards them, I will judge you. And it will not be a favourable judgement.

And Lewis Hamilton? If that was you tweeting that nonsense, I now think you are a cock instead of simply a moderately boring person. Guess I’m a “hater”. At least you don’t give a fuck.

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