#oneaday, Day 234: Dear Friends

You’ll surely excuse the enthusiastic gushing and emotion that is shortly to follow. You’ll hopefully agree that it is justified by the time I’m done. I might be funny tomorrow. If I’ve had any sleep. Otherwise I’ll just be grumpy. “No change there then,” I hear you say.

As has hopefully been made abundantly clear by now, I am leaving Southampton very shortly. Some might say “imminently”. Specifically, on Friday. The vast majority of my stuff was taken away yesterday, meaning I’m currently ensconced in a hollow shell of a house that is but a shadow of what it once was, which was in turn a shadow of what it once was prior to that. But now’s not the time for such thoughts.

Today was intended to be a day of tidying up final bits and cleaning up. And indeed it has; I’ve packed up, tidied up and hoovered the bedroom and study, with more to be done later this evening. But today has also been a time to see friends, some of whom I haven’t had the chance to see for some time, and some of whom weren’t able to make it out on Friday for drinking and WUBWUBWUB.

So I spent the morning overcaffeinating myself with a “cafe crawl” alongside Ben “xoorox” Willmott (with accompaniment from Mike “Sex Panther” Porter in the first coffee shop) and then getting on with a bit of Java-fueled tidying. Having not slept terribly well last night, the experience of exhaustion coupled with hyperactivity was… curious, to say the least.

Just as Ben and I were parting ways, I ran into the very fine and lovely Elana “dollydaydream” Moylette (second from right in the header image, fact fans) who has been a great and wonderful friend over the last few years, ever since I trained the crap out of her at our local Apple Store. She was very keen for me to catch up with her later, and that’s what I’ve just done.

I’ve got to say, I am 100% glad I did. I am now the proud owner of possibly the best gift anyone has ever got me (and I got a Super NES one Christmas) – a beautifully-made scrapbook/photo album full of wonderful memories. It’s something that will be utterly irreplaceable in years to come, and evidence that however I might be feeling about the circumstances surrounding my departure from here, I’ve touched the lives of a whole bunch of people, and they, too, have enriched my life.

While it sucks balls that I am leaving, I’ve found it deeply touching that there are very obviously so many people out there who genuinely care about me, appreciate me for who I am and, above all, have helped me survive one of the most difficult periods of my life that I’ve ever been through.

So to all those people who’ve made it clear that I’m not going to be forgotten as soon as I drive off on Friday, thank you, from the very bottom of my heart. You are awesome, and I’ll never forget you or what you’ve done.

Hah. The comic I pre-prepared to go at the top of this post the other day seems rather flippant now. Still, there’s no arguing with The Robot.

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13 thoughts on “#oneaday, Day 234: Dear Friends

  1. I’m impressed you managed to work the phrase “suck balls” in to a really sweet, almost saccharine, good bye.

        1. It sucks balls that out of all the things you could remember me for, you pick that?

          🙂 I jest. I totally can. Perhaps there’s a blog post in there somewhere.

          In the concept, I mean.

          Not in my balls.

    1. Indeed, sir. Tangible affection, Social Links, whatever you want to call ’em… at some point you can discard the crap and keep the good bits. That time may not be completely here yet, but it’s certainly on the way.

  2. I’m 100% positive that none of the jerk-offs that indulge in disrespecting innocent people on the streets have (or will ever have) received a gift such as that. You did good there, kid.

  3. You shall be missed sir! 🙂
    But I shall continue to follow your exploits with much urrr… gusto? Hmm. Teach me literacy before you leave please.

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