#oneaday, Day 142: Erraticism

Things haven’t been sorted back at my place yet. A letter came through the door today informing me that the electricity would be off, and the water would probably be going off at some point too. Joy! This means I pretty much have to live like a hobo for the next few days.

I’d be less embittered about the whole thing if I hadn’t looked out of the window this morning and seen the big hole which the electric company had dug and no-one in it at all. I would have thought in what probably qualifies as an “emergency” (albeit not one which is directly threatening lives) that the people in charge of fixing it might be a bit more interested in, you know, fixing it.

The letter also mentioned that there would be police patrolling around the site. So I was heartened to see two children playing inside the hole that the electric company had dug, obviously unsupervised by both their parents and the conspicuously absent police.

So that’s all good. I’ve not slept in my own bed for the last two nights. But I don’t mind, really. Of course I don’t.

Of course I fucking do. I’d like to be able to, you know, do stuff in the place that is supposed to be my home but which day by day is feeling less and less like it. I know I’m going to have to get out there at some point but being jobless at the moment I really don’t have anywhere to go just yet. It’s not through lack of trying, either.

Today was “one of those days” when everything feels like it goes badly. I got up early as I was sleeping on a friend’s floor and he had to go out to work. This wasn’t a “bad thing”, I knew it was going to happen. But when I got outside, it started raining, always a bad omen. I wandered into town to find some breakfast, and it was still raining. I spoke to a friend who was also having a terrible morning, and it quickly became apparent that today was not going to be a good day.

So I was unsurprised when I wandered back to my flat to check on things that the electricity was still off. More to the point, the people in charge had not had the foresight to remember that electronic door locks don’t work when there is no electricity. Fortunately, a chav who had had the foresight to break the basement door had left a way into the building, fortunately.

I went out again, took some photos, wandered around aimlessly, came back. Still no power. Then the power came back for a minute. Then it went away again. Now here I am.

Forgive me for the not-very-interesting posts. But I’m pissed off. Hopefully normal business will soon resume.

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One thought on “#oneaday, Day 142: Erraticism

  1. Huge hugs! But… relax. It’s just a few days. Out of your whole life, you’re spending a few days without power. Aren’t we lucky to live in a world where that’s how much we can take it for granted!

    Aren’t *you* lucky to have a friend willing to put you up while you can’t stay at your own place, and another there to be a sympathetic ear when things feel shitty.

    Life’s still good, and the power will be back on before you know it.

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