#oneaday, Day 85: The Artist Formerly Known as Top Searches

I was all set to do a post on the top search terms on my blog today, after Rhiarti did such a good one the other day. But it turns out that they’re rather mundane, sadly. Still, I’ve started now, so let’s get this over with.

Turtles in Time Reshelled

I wrote one post about this. One post about this game and it’s been consistently in the top search results for my blog ever since. You really want to read it? Knock yourself out – it’s here. Actually, you know what? I remember being quite pleased with that post. I guess I should be flattered that so many people are looking for it. Thank you for your support, everyone.

Pete Davison

My name! Amazing. I was genuinely surprised to see that the second-to-top search result was actually my name. Apparently people are looking for me. Given that I am looking for work, I assume that this is a good thing. That or my mother is taking an over-active interest in Googling me.

Divine Divinity

I was something of an evangelist for this excellent PC RPG a while back. It’s excellent. Read more here. And then go buy it on Good Old Games. Avoid its sequel though, which is less good.


I don’t know why the searcher put dots in the name. But this game is another that I wrote a few posts about a while back, and the term has stayed in my search results in various forms ever since. Also a great game, and a reminder of when first-person shooters had remembered what “fun” meant.

divine communication tumblr

Now this one I have genuinely no idea about. It’s a kind of hideous cross-breed of several different posts – most likely this one, this one and this one. But quite why someone felt the need to search for those three words together is anyone’s guess. Maybe they thought God keeps a Tumblr. Probably called “fuckyeahomniscience.tumblr.com”. I wouldn’t be surprised if that actually existed.

The next three are search terms just from yesterday. These are much more interesting.

doctor who spitfires won’t work in space

Of course they won’t. That doesn’t stop it being awesome.

farmville co-op what happens if you let

No! Don’t stop there! I want to know what the rest of that question was. Don’t be shy. “What happens if you let…” what? Your sheep run amok? Your crops wither and die? Your child have easy access to your credit card for the purchasing of premium items?

highest lvl in borderlands

50. You’re welcome.

Right. Enough. Good night!

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