#oneaday, Day 54: End of another week

It’s that time again. Friday night. I chose not to listen to Radio 1 on the way home tonight, which means I didn’t want to throw things at Annie Mac and her stupid jingles. Whoever decided the airhorn should be the iconic sound of “I Think This Is A Fine Piece Of Music And No Mistake” should be punched in the testicles or lady-equivalents. But no matter, because I didn’t actually hear it tonight. I drove home listening to, of all things, The Sims 3 soundtrack. What? It’s cheery and relaxing, and after the day I had, I needed cheery and relaxing. It was that or whack on Bayonetta’s soundtrack and freak people out with either J-pop or epic scary choirs blasting out of my car.

This weekend I will be editing the next SquadCast on the subject of Machinarium, an endearing little adventure/puzzle hybrid available for PC and Mac. I will refrain from talking about it too much here as we discuss it at great length on the SquadCast which should, barring disasters of unforeseen proportions, be available by the end of the weekend.

Other plans for the weekend include Final Fantasy XIII, which I’m enjoying a great deal so far, and maybe a bit more of the Blur beta, which I’ve been playing a little bit of this evening – check out my thoughts here.

I’m actually looking forward to being unemployed as I’ll have time to do lots of things I’ve been meaning to for ages but have usually been too exhausted to. Sitting on my imaginary To-Do list is the production of a website for my potential computer tuition services, some more writing for here, pJedi and BitMob, some chasing of potential sources of freelance writing work and, of course, some time to actually wind down. After the week I have coming up, I will probably need it, but the less said about that, the better.

Then there’s PAX. I can’t wait. It’s going to be an awesome time when I get the chance to see some very dear friends – some for the first time, others for the second. After that, who knows where things will lead?

My new life may not be easy all the time, but I’m certainly looking forward to taking control and doing things for myself.

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