One A Day, Day 31: Out of Sync

I should probably start writing these things in the middle of the day, as my timings are getting all out of sync. Yesterday’s post ended up being dated today, largely because it was written at about 3 in the morning. I was also a little sozzled on gin, so I apologise if it wasn’t the most coherent rant in the world.

I wasn’t drinking alone, I might add. I’d spent the evening over at my buddy’s house having a curry, playing some board games and drinking the aforementioned gin. We discovered gin a week or two back and decided that it was, for now at least, our tipple of choice thanks to how easily it went down, particularly when accompanied by some ice, tonic and lemon. It’s a lovely summer drink, too. Not that it’s particularly summery right now, though the sun did come out for a bit today.

I was a heavy drinker back in university – weren’t we all? – but over the years my tolerance for alcohol seems to have dropped quite a bit. I have vivid memories of many  bizarre nights at the university bar accompanied by luridly-coloured cocktails and obscene creations involving unholy combinations of absinthe and Baileys (actually not as bad as it sounds… though your liver might disagree). We also had one particularly amusing and unpleasant night where we decided to invent our own cocktails… or at least attempt to. They weren’t terribly successful, with the most memorable one of the evening being one we dubbed “The Brown Sauce”, so named because of its resemblance in taste to HP sauce. No drink should taste of HP sauce.

Then there was the university orchestra’s trip to Poland, land of super-cheap drinks. One bar did this thing called (if I remember correctly) a “six-shooter”, which was exactly what it sounds like – six shots of some bright blue shit for about a pound. More cocktails were invented there, too.

Nowadays, drinking’s a relatively rare indulgence for me. Drinking the amount of gin we did last night is something that none of us involved have done for a while (at least not all together). It was fun, and it made my pathetic losses at both Agricola and Ticket to Ride matter rather less. Of course, at roughly 4am I found myself regretting quite how much I had drunk, but at least I was mercifully hangover-free in the morning.

Hmm, that totally wasn’t where I was intending this post to head. Oh well. It’s late and I’m actually sitting in bed right now, so maybe I’ll save something more coherent for tomorrow when I’m a bit more awake.

For now – good night!

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