One A Day, Day 19: The Worst Week

After midnight again… But I haven’t gone to sleep yet. Although I will be very shortly.

This week has been utterly terrible. Not just for me, but for, it seems, most people. Both my wife and I noticed an alarmingly high number of despairing status updates from our respective Facebook and Twitter friends this week, yesterday in particular.

February’s always bad. I don’t know what it is about it. But it’s always shit. And no-one ever does anything about it.

Of course, that’s a stupid statement. What CAN anyone do about it? Nothing. Except maybe declare the whole month a national holiday.

They should declare the whole month a national holiday!

All this aside, the week is now effectively over, so I am looking forward to a quiet and pointless weekend.

What about today? After my inadequacy was made official yesterday, the headteacher came to see me after school. To – get this – “check I’m still on board”. Well, no, I resigned, remember? I had to bite my tongue a bit, otherwise I would have exploded at her. I’m in two minds as to whether or not I should have given her a piece of my mind about the utter meaninglessness of those stupid judgements. I’m coming down on the “don’t rock the boat” side of things at the moment. Maybe I can tear shit up a bit a little closer to the end.

One thing I do want to do, though, is write up all the things that I’ve said are dumb about education as an article and send it somewhere like <a href="TES or even a full-on newspaper. People need to hear about the plight of teachers as so many of them – including myself – suffer in silence and don’t stand up to what is effectively bullying from people who have as much value to education as a lump of steaming turd. Actually, the turd is more valuable, as at least it could be discussed in a rather unpleasant Science lesson.

Anyway. Enough of that for now. It’s the weekend. I’m off for some well-earned sleep. Next week is the last week before the week-long half term vacation, then it’s the home straight from there.


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