1016: A Few More Aselia Thoughts

I finished my first playthrough of Aselia the Eternal this evening. Clocking in at about 54 hours, this $30 title is certainly good value for money in terms of its dollars-to-hours ratio.

It’s also a very, very good game, though one that will undoubtedly not be to everyone’s taste. Simply put, if you enjoy the narrative being the focus of a game rather than its gameplay, you will dig Aselia the Eternal. If you’re the sort of person who skips cutscenes even if you haven’t seen them before, you will not like Aselia the Eternal.

This is not to say that Aselia the Eternal is as “gameplay-free” as most other visual novels, however — in fact, it plays host to an excellent strategy-RPG component as well as its decision-based visual novel aspect — but you have to be willing and able to deal with the fact that the game will frequently break without warning in mid-“mission” for a considerable amount of plot exposition. I love that the game does this, as it gives a nice feeling of “coherence” to the experience rather than sharply demarcating where “plot” and “game” are. Equally, it will doubtless annoy some others. If it sounds like it might annoy you, you will probably not appreciate Aselia the Eternal.

There are eight endings to the game. I have now seen one of them. After the break, some spoileriffic thoughts on the whole playthrough.

MAHOOSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD, in case that wasn’t already clear.

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